Eric Holder

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Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. (born January 21, 1951) is an American lawyer and the current United States Attorney General. He is the first African-American to hold this position. Previously he has been a judge in Washington, D.C., United States Attorney, and Deputy Attorney General. He is serving under President Barack Obama.

Early Life and Education

Eric Holder was born in the Bronx in New York City. His father was born in Barbados and emigrated to the United States at age 11. His mother was born in New Jersey to a family of immigrants from Barbados. He grew up in Queens, New York and attended Columbia University. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in American history in 1973. He enrolled in the Columbia Law School and earned his J.D. in 1976.[1]


Upon graduation in 1976, Holder started work for the U.S. Justice Department and remained there until 1988. He was involved in the prosecution of various high-profile public officials of both parties for bribery and fraud, including former Governor Arch A. Moore, Jr. of West Virginia and former Rep. Dan Rostenkowski. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan appointed him as judge for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. He served in this capacity until 1993, when President Bill Clinton appointed him as U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.[2]

Deputy Attorney General

Attorney General

On December 1, 2008, President Barack Obama announced that he would appoint Holder as Attorney General. In light of persistent accusations of a politicized Justice Department under George W. Bush and his former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, reforms of the Justice Department were considered a high priority by the incoming Democratic administration.

The nomination of the first African-American Attorney General created some enthusiasm, but Holder's appointment was considered controversial by some Republicans. Before his confirmation, they questioned his behavior as Bill Clinton's Deputy Attorney General in pushing for the pardoning of Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice on the FBI's most wanted list, and the commutation of sentences for several Puerto Rican terrorists.[3] He was confirmed by a 75-21 vote in the Senate on February 2, 2009.

Among the more surprising actions early in his tenure was his decision in early April 2009 to dismiss the prosecution of Republican Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska who had been convicted in fall of 2008 on several felony charges of lying on senate disclosure forms. Shortly after Holder had taken office, a U.S. District Judge had held two prosecutors in the case in contempt of court for suppressing evidence favorable to the defense. More exculpatory evidence was discovered after Holder replaced the trial team. Holder then moved for a dismissal of the case, which effectively vacated Stevens' conviction.[4]

He has ordered a review of pending state secrets privilege applications by Federal prosecutors, although asked that it be applied in a case pending when he took office, Mohamed et al. v. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.


  1. Andrew Longstreth (June 5, 2008). Making History with Obama, Retrieved August 12, 2009.
  2. Neil A. Lewis (June 2, 1994). Indictment of a Congressman, New York Times. Retrieved August 12, 2009.
  3. Liz Halloran (January 14, 2009). Battle Brewing Over Holder's Clinton-Era Decisions, National Public Radio (NPR). Retrieve August 12, 2009.
  4. Kevin Johnson and Matt Kelley (April 1, 2009). Holder urges Ted Stevens' conviction reversed, USA TODAY. Retrieved August 14, 2009.