English spellings/Catalogs/W: Difference between revisions

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imported>Ro Thorpe
('''wîld card''' ''cards, sport'' two words)
imported>Ro Thorpe
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(131 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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'''W''' *doúble
'''W''' *dúblyû ("'''doúble Û'''"; former [[President of the United States of America|US President]] [[George W. Bush|George '''W.''' Bush]]—son of former President George Bush, who therefore and thereafter became known as [[George H.W. Bush]]—likes to be known as '''Dúbya''', a casual pronunciation of the name of the letter)

'''wácky''' cf. '''wháck  
'''wácky''' cf. '''wháck  

'''wâde''' ''water'' = '''Wâde''' = '''wèighed''' ''weigh''

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<nowiki>*</nowiki>Wagadûgu is spelt '''Ouagadoûgou''', in the French style
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Wagadûgu is spelt '''Ouagadoûgou''', in the French style

'''wágon''' - ´waggon’ is French
'''Wágner''', but *Vàgner for [[Richard Wagner|Richard, the composer]]
'''wágon''' ("waggon" is French)

'''wâin''' ''cart'' = '''wâne''' ''smaller'' = '''Wâin''' = '''Wâyne'''

'''wâil''' ''cry'' = BrE '''whâle''' ''sea''
'''wâil''' ''cry'' = BrE '''whâle''' ''sea''
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'''wâit''' ''time'' = '''wèight''' ''heavy'' = '''Wâite''' ''person''
'''wâit''' ''time'' = '''wèight''' ''heavy'' = '''Wâite''' ''person''

'''wâive''' ''dismiss'' = '''wâve''' ''hand, sea''
'''wâive''' ''dismiss'' = '''wâve''' ''hand, sea''

'''Wâles''' ''Welsh'' = BrE '''whâles''' ''sea''
'''Wâles''' ''Welsh'' = '''wâils''' ''cries'' = BrE '''whâles''' ''sea''
'''[[Lech Walesa|Walésa]]''' *Vawénsa

'''wålk''' -åk, cf. '''wörk
'''wålk''' -åk, cf. '''wörk
Line 33: Line 44:

'''Ẁallace''' = '''Ẁallis''', rhyming with '''Hóllis
'''Ẁallace''' = '''Ẁallis''', rhyming with '''Hóllis
[[David Walliams|'''Wálliams''' ''David'']]

'''Wallônia''' Wó-
'''Wallônia''' Wó-
Line 38: Line 51:
'''Walloôn''' Wó-
'''Walloôn''' Wó-

'''ẁalrus''', '''wålrus  

'''Wåltham''' -təm
'''Wåltham''' -təm
Line 46: Line 63:
'''ẁan''' ''pale'' *wón cf. '''wòn''' ''win''   
'''ẁan''' ''pale'' *wón cf. '''wòn''' ''win''   

'''ẁander''' ''roam'' BrE = '''Ẁanda''', cf. '''wònder''' ''what?''

'''wâne''' ''less'' = '''Wâyne''' ''person'' = '''wâin''' ''wagon''
'''ẁander''' ''roam'' *wónder,  BrE = '''Ẁanda''', cf. '''wònder''' ''what?''

'''ẁannabê''' cf. '''ẁallabỳ  
'''wâne''' ''less'' = '''Wâyne''' '''Wâin''', ''persons'' = '''wâin''' ''wagon''
'''ẁannabê''' ''person'', cf. '''ẁanna bê''' ''want to be'', '''ẁallabỳ  

'''ẁant''' ''desire'' cf. '''wôn’t''' ''will not''
'''ẁant''' ''desire'' cf. '''wôn’t''' ''will not''

'''wår''' ''battle'' = '''wŏre''' ''wear''
'''wår''' ''battle'' = '''wŏre''' ''wear''

'''wãrehouse''' cf. '''whŏrehouse''', '''h'''-
'''wãrehouse''' cf. '''whŏrehouse''', '''h'''-
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'''wårhéad''' one word  
'''wårhéad''' one word  

'''wårm''' ''hot'' cf. '''wörm''' ''wriggle''
'''wårm''' ''hot'' cf. '''wörm''' ''wriggle''
Line 66: Line 89:
'''wårn''' ''caution'' = '''wŏrn''' ''wear'' = '''Wårne''' ''person''
'''wårn''' ''caution'' = '''wŏrn''' ''wear'' = '''Wårne''' ''person''


'''ẁarrant''' *wórrənt  
'''ẁarrant''' BrE *wórrənt, AmE *wårrənt

'''ẁarranty''' cf. '''guarantêe''' from same root
'''ẁarranty''' cf. '''guarantêe''' from same root
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'''wårthog''': accidental '''t''' and '''h''' pronounced separately
'''wårtîme''' one word

'''Ẁarwick''' *Wórrick
'''Ẁarwick''' *Wórrick
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'''wâste''' ''loss'' = '''wâist''' ''body''
'''wâste''' ''loss'' = '''wâist''' ''body''
'''ẁatchlist''' one word

'''ẁatchtòwer''' one word  
'''ẁatchtòwer''' one word  

'''wåter''' cf. '''Wålter
'''wåter''' cf. '''Wålter''', '''wâiter'''

'''ẁatt''' ''electricity'' = BrE '''ẁhat''' ''question''
'''ẁatt''' ''electricity'' = BrE '''ẁhat''' ''question''
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'''wáxwörk''' one word
'''wáxwörk''' one word

'''wê''' ''us'' = '''wêe''' ''little, toilet''
'''wê''' ''us'' = '''wêe''' ''little, toilet'' = '''Wiê''' = '''Wìi'''

'''wêak''' ''feeble'' = '''wêek''' ''days''
'''wêak''' ''feeble'' = '''wêek''' ''days''

'''wêal''' ''mark'' = BrE '''whêel''' ''traffic''
'''wêal''' ''mark'' = BrE '''whêel''' ''traffic''
'''Wêald''' ''England'' = '''wìêld

'''wéar''' ''clothes'' = BrE '''whére''' ''place''

'''Wêar''' ''River'' = '''Wêir''' ''person'' = '''wêir''' ''water'', rhyming with '''êar''', '''hêar''' and '''fêar
'''Wêar''' ''River'' = '''Wêir''' ''person'' = '''wêir''' ''water'', rhyming with '''êar''', '''hêar''' and '''fêar

'''wéars''' ''clothes'' = '''wâres''' ''shop''
'''wêaried''' ''weary''
'''wéars''' ''clothes'' = '''wãres''' ''shop''

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'''wéb''' ''net'' = '''Wébb''' ''person
'''wéb''' ''net'' = '''Wébb''' ''person
'''Wèbern''' *Vâybërn, Vâybən

'''wébsite''' one word  
'''wébsite''' one word  
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'''wèigh''' ''heavy'' = '''wây''' ''route, manner'' = BrE '''whèy''' ''curds''
'''wèigh''' ''heavy'' = '''wây''' ''route, manner'' = BrE '''whèy''' ''curds''
'''wèighed''' ''past'' = '''wâde''' ''water'' = '''Wâde

'''wèight''' ''heavy'' = '''wâit''' ''time''
'''wèight''' ''heavy'' = '''wâit''' ''time''
'''[[Kurt Weill|Weîll]]''' = '''vîle''' ''disgusting

'''wêir''' ''water'' = '''Wêir''' ''person'' = '''wê’re''' ''are'', cf. '''wìêld''', '''fìêld
'''wêir''' ''water'' = '''Wêir''' ''person'' = '''wê’re''' ''are'', cf. '''wìêld''', '''fìêld
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'''wêird''' ''odd'' cf. '''wìêld''' ''carry''
'''wêird''' ''odd'' cf. '''wìêld''' ''carry''

'''wê’ll''' ''shall'' cf. '''wéll''' ''good''
'''wélcome''' = '''Wéllcome
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Wéllbeck '''''Ouellebecq
'''Wélles''' ''Orson'' = '''Wélls''' = '''wélls'''

'''wén''' ''lump'' = BrE '''whén''' ''time''
'''wén''' ''lump'' = BrE '''whén''' ''time''

'''wëre''' ''was'' cf. '''whére''' ''place'', '''wê’re''' ''we are
'''wëre''' ''was'' = BrE '''whïrr''' ''noise'', cf. '''whére''' ''place'', '''wê’re''' ''we are

'''wêrewolf''' or '''wêrwolf''' -wùlf
'''wêrewolf''' or '''wêrwolf''' -wùlf
'''wéstern''' ''west'' = '''Wéstern''' ''genre

'''wéther''' ''animal'' = '''wéather''' ''rain'' = BrE '''whéther''' ''if
'''wéther''' ''animal'' = '''wéather''' ''rain'' = BrE '''whéther''' ''if

'''wê’re''' ''we are
'''wê’ll''' ''shall'' cf. '''wéll''' ''good''
'''wê’re''' ''we are'', cf. '''wëre''' ''was'', '''whére''' ''place''

'''wh-''' BrE '''w-''', AmE '''hw-
'''wh-''' BrE '''w-''', AmE '''hw-
Line 161: Line 216:

'''ẁhat''' ''question'' BrE = '''wót''' ''jocular'' = '''ẁatt''' ''electric
'''ẁhat''' ''question'' BrE = '''wót''' ''jocular'' = '''ẁatt''' ''electric

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'''whereás''' one word, *wéəráz  
'''whereás''' one word, *wéəráz  

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'''whèy''' ''curds'' BrE = '''wèigh''' ''weight'' = '''wây''' ''method  
'''whèy''' ''curds'' BrE = '''wèigh''' ''weight'' = '''wây''' ''method  
'''whích''' ''what'' BrE = '''wítch''' ''wizard
'''Whíg''' ''Liberal'' BrE = '''wíg''' ''hair''
'''whîle''' ('''a whîle''' = '''awhîle''', though usage is quite different: see [[English spellings/Catalogs/A|the latter's entry]])
'''whímper''' cf. '''wímp'''

'''whîne''' ''moan'' BrE = '''wîne''' ''drink
'''whîne''' ''moan'' BrE = '''wîne''' ''drink
Line 186: Line 255:
'''whínge''' -nj, cf. '''wíng
'''whínge''' -nj, cf. '''wíng

'''whïrl''' ''round'' = '''whörl''' ''spiral''

'''whïrlwind''' one word  
'''whïrlwind''' one word  
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'''whïrr''' ''noise'' BrE = '''wëre''' ''be
'''whïrr''' ''noise'' BrE = '''wëre''' ''be

'''[[whisky|whísky]]''' ''Scotch''

'''whískey''' ''Bourbon, Canadian, Irish
'''whískey''' ''Bourbon, Canadian, Irish
'''[[whisky|whísky]]''' ''Scotch''

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'''whít''' ''small'' = '''Whít''' ''Whitsun'' BrE = '''wít''' ''humour
'''whít''' ''small'' = '''Whít''' ''Whitsun'' BrE = '''wít''' ''humour

'''whích''' ''what'' BrE = '''wítch''' ''wizard
'''whîte''' ''colour'' BrE = '''Wîght''' ''Isle''

'''Whîtehouse''' ''person'' = '''Whîte Hòuse''' ''USA''  
'''whîte''' ''colour'' BrE = '''Wîght''' ''Isle''

'''whîteẁash''' one word  
'''whîteẁash''' one word  
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'''who''' ''person'' *hoô, cf. '''WHO''' ''World Health Organisation'' *doúble-yoû-âitch-ô
'''who''' ''person'' *hoô, cf. '''WHO''' ''World Health Organisation'' *doúble-yoû-âitch-ô
'''whôa''' ''stop'' BrE = '''wôe''' ''sad''
'''whodúnit''', '''whodúnnit''' *hudúnnit, after [[Cockney]] "who done it?"

'''whôle''' ''all'' = '''hôle''' ''gap''
'''whôle''' ''all'' = '''hôle''' ''gap''
'''wholeheàrted''', '''h'''-, one word

'''whôlesâle''', '''h'''-, one word
'''whôlesâle''', '''h'''-, one word

'''whôlly''' ''completely'' two '''l'''’s pronounced; ≈ '''hôly''' ''sacred'' – where only one '''l''' is heard
'''whôlly''' ''completely'': both '''l'''’s pronounced; ≈ '''hôly''' ''sacred'' – where only one '''l''' is heard
'''whoôp''' (= '''hoôp''' ''circle''), '''whoòp'''; or h-

'''whoôping-cóugh''' hoô-
'''whoôping-cóugh''' hoô-
Line 232: Line 311:
'''whópping''' ''big'' BrE = '''Ẁapping''' ''London''
'''whópping''' ''big'' BrE = '''Ẁapping''' ''London''

'''whŏre''' ''prostitute'' = '''hŏar''' ''frost'' = '''Hŏare''' ''person''
'''whŏre''' ''prostitute'' = '''hŏar''' ''frost'' = '''Hŏare''' ''person'' = AmE '''hórror

'''whose''' ''belonging'' = '''who’s''' ''who is/has'' *hoôz. There is similar potential confusion as with the more notorious '''ít's''' ''ít ís'' and '''íts''' ''of it''
'''whörl''' ''spiral'' = '''whïrl''' ''round''
'''whose''' ''belonging'' = '''who's''' ''who is/has'' *hoôz: as with the more notorious '''íts''' ''of it'' and '''ít's''' ''it is/has''  

'''whŷ''' ''reason'' AmE *hwŷ; BrE = [[River Wye|'''Wŷe''']] ''river
'''whŷ''' ''reason'' AmE *hwŷ; BrE = [[River Wye|'''Wŷe''']] ''river
<nowiki>*</nowiki>wích: a very common misspelling, especially by non-anglophones, of '''whích''', perhaps influenced by the spelling of '''wíth''', and maybe also by '''Ípswich''', etc.

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'''wîdespréad''' one word
'''wîdespréad''' one word

'''wìêld''' cf. '''wêir''', '''wêird
'''Wídnes''' makes a [[minimal pair]] with '''wítness
'''wìêld''' = '''Wêald''', cf. '''wêir''', '''wêird
'''wíg''' ''head'' = BrE '''Whíg''' ''politics''
'''wíkì''' rhymes with '''stícky'''

'''WíkiLeaks''': "[[camel case]]" '''L'''

'''wîld card''' ''cards, sport'' two words
'''Wikipêdia''': capital '''W
'''wîld càrd''' ''cards, sport'' two words

'''wîldcard''' ''computing'' one word
'''wîldcard''' ''computing'' one word
'''wîldcát''' ''adjective'' one word
'''wíldebeest''' *wíldəbêast

'''wîles''' ''stratagems'' cf. '''whîle''' ''during''
'''wîles''' ''stratagems'' cf. '''whîle''' ''during''
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'''wíll''' ''verb'' = '''Wíll''' ''William''
'''wíll''' ''verb'' = '''Wíll''' ''William''
'''will-o'-the-wísp''' *wíllədhə-wísp
'''Wíllesden''' *Wílsdon


'''wîly''' ''cunning'' = '''Wŷlie''', etc. ''persons''
'''wîly''' ''cunning'' = '''Wŷlie'''
'''wímp''' cf. '''whímper'''

'''wînd''' ''round''
'''wînd''' ''round''
Line 272: Line 379:
'''wíndbag''' one word  
'''wíndbag''' one word  

'''Wíndsor''' *Wínzə(r)
'''Wíndsor''' *Wínzər

'''wîne''' ''drink'' = BrE '''whîne''' ''moan''
'''wîne''' ''drink'' = BrE '''whîne''' ''moan''
'''wínter''' = '''Wíntour'''
'''wîred''' makes a [[minimal pair]] with '''wêird
'''Wísbêch''' *Wízbêech

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'''wítch''' ''wizard'' = BrE '''whích''' ''what''  
'''wítch''' ''wizard'' = BrE '''whích''' ''what''  

'''wítch-húnt''' may appear without its hyphen: '''wítchhúnt'''
'''wíther''' ''decay'' = BrE '''whíther''' ''where''
'''wíther''' ''decay'' = BrE '''whíther''' ''where''
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'''Wodehouse''' ''PG'' = '''Woòdhouse''' ''Emma, etc.''
'''Wodehouse''' ''PG'' = '''Woòdhouse''' ''Emma, etc.''

'''wôe''' ''sad'' = BrE '''whôa''' ''horse''
'''wôe''' ''sad'' = BrE '''whôa''' ''horse'', cf. '''wòw''' ''surprise''


'''wol'''- usually = '''woòl''' *wùl
'''wol'''- usually = '''woòl''' *wùl

'''wolf''' *wùlf = '''Woòlf''', '''Wolf''', '''Wolfe''' ''persons''
'''wolf''' *wùlf = '''Woòlf''', '''Wolf''', '''Wolfe''', '''Woòlfe''' ''persons''

[[Mary Wollstonecraft|'''Wollstonecraft''' ''Mary'']] Woòl-
[[Mary Wollstonecraft|'''Wollstonecraft''' ''Mary'']] Woòl-
Line 316: Line 431:
'''woman''' *wùmən
'''woman''' *wùmən

'''women''' *wímmin
'''womb''' *woôm, rhymes with '''roôm'''
'''women''' *wímmin; some dialects of New Zealand and South Africa = '''woman''' *wùmən

'''wòn''' ''game'' = '''òne''' ''only''
'''wòn''' ''game'' = '''òne''' ''only''

'''wònder''' ''what?'' cf. '''ẁander''' ''roam''
'''wònder''' ''what?'' cf. '''ẁander''' *wónder ''roam''

Line 326: Line 445:

'''wôn’t''' ''will not'' = '''wônt''' ''habit'', cf. '''ẁant''' ''require''
'''wôn't''' ''will not'' = '''wônt''' ''habit'', cf. '''ẁant''' ''require''

'''woòd''' ''tree'' = '''woùld''' ''if''
'''woòd''' ''tree'' = '''woùld''' ''if''
'''Woòdward''' *Woòdwərd
'''woòf''' ''dog, fabric'' = '''wùff''' ''dog''

'''woòl''' cf. [[Mary Wollstonecraft|'''Wollstonecraft''']], '''Wolsey''', etc., same first vowel sound
'''woòl''' cf. [[Mary Wollstonecraft|'''Wollstonecraft''']], '''Wolsey''', etc., same first vowel sound
'''woòllen''' BrE = AmE '''woòlen'''

'''woòlly''' BrE = AmE '''woòly''' ''wool'' = '''Woòlley''' ''person'', rhyming with '''fùlly
'''woòlly''' BrE = AmE '''woòly''' ''wool'' = '''Woòlley''' ''person'', rhyming with '''fùlly
Line 340: Line 467:
'''wŏre''' ''wear'' = '''wår''' ''fight''
'''wŏre''' ''wear'' = '''wår''' ''fight''

'''wörk''' cf. '''wålk
'''wörk''' makes a [[British English]] [[minimal pair]] with '''wålk''' (BrE *wök and *wŏk)

'''wörkingmán''' in AmE can be one word, BrE '''wörking mán
'''wörkingmán''' in AmE can be one word, BrE '''wörking mán

'''wörld''' makes a BrE [[minimal pair]] with '''wålled'''
'''Wörld Wår II''' ''the Second World War'' *Tû: not '2', but pronounced 'Two'; cf. '''II''' pronounced 'The Second' following the names of monarchs and popes, etc. (similarly with WWI)

'''wŏrldwide''' one word  
'''wŏrldwide''' one word  
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'''wörsted''' ''worst''
'''wörsted''' ''worst'', ''wool'' -íd
'''worsted''' ''cloth'' wû-

Line 366: Line 493:
'''woùld''' ''if'' = '''woòd''' ''tree''
'''woùld''' ''if'' = '''woòd''' ''tree''

'''would-be''' ''adjective'' hyphenated
'''woùld-''' ''adjective'' hyphenated

'''woûnd''' ''injury''
'''woûnd''' ''injury''
Line 375: Line 502:

'''wráck''' ''pain'' = '''ráck''' ''frame, stretch''
'''wráck''' ''pain'' = '''ráck''' ''frame, stretch''
'''wrâith''' ''ghost'' = '''Râith''' ''Rovers''

'''wráp''' ''parcel'' = '''ráp''' ''knock, speak''
'''wráp''' ''parcel'' = '''ráp''' ''knock, speak''

'''ẁrath''' ''anger'' = '''Róth''' ''person''
'''ẁrath''' ''anger'' BrE = '''Róth''' ''person''; AmE '''wráth

'''wrêak''' ''make'' = '''rêek''' ''smell'', cf. '''wréck''' ''collapse'', '''réckless''' ''careless''
'''wrêak''' ''make'' = '''rêek''' ''smell'', cf. '''wréck''' ''collapse'', '''réckless''' ''careless''
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'''wréck''' cf. '''réckless
'''wréck''' cf. '''réckless
'''wrécks''' = '''Réx'''

'''wrést''' ''wrestle'' = '''rést''' ''repose''
'''wrést''' ''wrestle'' = '''rést''' ''repose''

'''wrétch''' ''miserable'' = '''rétch''' ''vomit''
'''wrétch''' ''miserable'' = '''rétch''' ''vomit''

'''wrîght''' ''artesan'' as in '''plâywright'''; = '''Wrîght''' ''person'' = '''wrîte''' ''letter'' = '''rîght''' ''side, correct'' = '''rîte''' ''ritual''
'''wrîght''' ''artesan'' as in '''plâywright'''; = '''Wrîght''' ''person'' = '''wrîte''' ''letter'' = '''rîght''' ''side, correct'' = '''rîte''' ''ritual''
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'''wrôte''' ''write'' = '''rôte''' ''learning''
'''wrôte''' ''write'' = '''rôte''' ''learning''
'''Wrotham''' ''Kent'' *Roôtəm

'''wrúng''' ''wring'' = '''rúng''' ''ring, ladder''
'''wrúng''' ''wring'' = '''rúng''' ''ring, ladder''
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'''wrŷ''' ''humour''  = '''rŷe''' ''crop
'''wrŷ''' ''humour''  = '''rŷe''' ''crop

'''wrŷlỳ''' ''wry'' = '''Rîley, Reîlly''' ''persons
'''wrŷlỳ''' ''wry'' = '''Rîley, Reîlly'''  

'''wùff''' ''dog'' = '''woòf''' ''fabric, dog''

'''Wŷatt''' *Wŷət, cf. '''whîte
'''Wŷatt''' *Wŷət, cf. '''whîte
'''Wýcombe''' ''High'' = '''Wíckham''' ''West''

[[River Wye|'''Wŷe''']] ''river'' = BrE '''whŷ''' ''reason''
[[River Wye|'''Wŷe''']] ''river'' = BrE '''whŷ''' ''reason''

Latest revision as of 21:58, 10 August 2017

Use in English
Alphabetical word list
Retroalphabetical list  
Common misspellings  

This page lists pronunciations of English words that begin with W. To see a different letter navigate with the table above. The apostrophe is treated as the last letter of the alphabet, after Z.

For a pronunciation key, click on the blue "Catalogs" link below the article title.[e]

W *dúblyû ("doúble Û"; former US President George W. Bush—son of former President George Bush, who therefore and thereafter became known as George H.W. Bush—likes to be known as Dúbya, a casual pronunciation of the name of the letter)

wácky cf. wháck


wâde water = Wâde = wèighed weigh



*Wagadûgu is spelt Ouagadoûgou, in the French style

Wágner, but *Vàgner for Richard, the composer

wágon ("waggon" is French)



wâin cart = wâne smaller = Wâin = Wâyne

wâil cry = BrE whâle sea

wâist body = wâste spend

wâit time = wèight heavy = Wâite person


wâive dismiss = wâve hand, sea

Wâles Welsh = wâils cries = BrE whâles sea

Walésa *Vawénsa

wålk -åk, cf. wörk


Ẁallace = Ẁallis, rhyming with Hóllis

Wálliams David

Wallônia Wó-

Walloôn Wó-

ẁalrus, wålrus



Wåltham -təm

wåltz *wålse

ẁan pale *wón cf. wòn win


ẁander roam *wónder, BrE = Ẁanda, cf. wònder what?

wâne less = Wâyne Wâin, persons = wâin wagon

ẁannabê person, cf. ẁanna bê want to be, ẁallabỳ

ẁant desire cf. wôn’t will not

wår battle = wŏre wear


wãrehouse cf. whŏrehouse, h-

wãres market = weãrs clothes

wårhéad one word


wårm hot cf. wörm wriggle

wårn caution = wŏrn wear = Wårne person



ẁarrant BrE *wórrənt, AmE *wårrənt

ẁarranty cf. guarantêe from same root


ẁarrior cf. wòrrier

Ẁarrington *Wórrington, cf. Dórrington, Nórrington


wårthog: accidental t and h pronounced separately

wårtîme one word

Ẁarwick *Wórrick


ẁas *wóz




wâste loss = wâist body

ẁatchlist one word

ẁatchtòwer one word

wåter cf. Wålter, wâiter


ẁatt electricity = BrE ẁhat question

ẁattage *wóttij

wâvelength one word

wáxwörk one word

us = wêe little, toilet = Wiê = Wìi

wêak feeble = wêek days

wêal mark = BrE whêel traffic

Wêald England = wìêld


wéar clothes = BrE whére place

Wêar River = Wêir person = wêir water, rhyming with êar, hêar and fêar

wêaried weary


wéars clothes = wãres shop


wêasel cf. mêasles

wéather cloudy = wéther ram = BrE whéther if

wéb net = Wébb person

Wèbern *Vâybërn, Vâybən

wébsite one word

Wédgwood *Wédgewood, *wéjwùd

Wédnesday Wénz-

wèigh heavy = wây route, manner = BrE whèy curds

wèighed past = wâde water = Wâde

wèight heavy = wâit time

Weîll = vîle disgusting

wêir water = Wêir person = wê’re are, cf. wìêld, fìêld

wêird odd cf. wìêld carry

wélcome = Wéllcome

*Wéllbeck Ouellebecq

Wélles Orson = Wélls = wélls

wén lump = BrE whén time

wëre was = BrE whïrr noise, cf. whére place, wê’re we are

wêrewolf or wêrwolf -wùlf

wéstern west = Wéstern genre

wéther animal = wéather rain = BrE whéther if

wê’ll shall cf. wéll good

wê’re we are, cf. wëre was, whére place

wh- BrE w-, AmE hw-

wháck cf. wácky

whâle sea BrE = wâil cry


ẁhat question BrE = wót jocular = ẁatt electric



whêel round BrE = wêal mark

whêelchair one word

whén time BrE = wén tumour

whére place cf. wëre was

whereás one word, *wéəráz



whét appetite BrE = wét water

whéther if BrE = wéather rain = wéther ram

whèy curds BrE = wèigh weight = wây method

whích what BrE = wítch wizard

Whíg Liberal BrE = wíg hair

whîle (a whîle = awhîle, though usage is quite different: see the latter's entry)


whímper cf. wímp

whîne moan BrE = wîne drink

whínge -nj, cf. wíng

whïrl round = whörl spiral

whïrlwind one word

whïrr noise BrE = wëre be



whískey Bourbon, Canadian, Irish

whísky Scotch



whístle *whíssle

whít small = Whít Whitsun BrE = wít humour

whîte colour BrE = Wîght Isle

Whîtehouse person = Whîte Hòuse USA

whîteẁash one word

whíther where BrE = wíther decay

Whítsun -u-

who person *hoô, cf. WHO World Health Organisation *doúble-yoû-âitch-ô

whôa stop BrE = wôe sad

whodúnit, whodúnnit *hudúnnit, after Cockney "who done it?"

whôle all = hôle gap

wholeheàrted, h-, one word

whôlesâle, h-, one word

whôlly completely: both l’s pronounced; ≈ hôly sacred – where only one l is heard

whoôp (= hoôp circle), whoòp; or h-

whoôping-cóugh hoô-


whoòsh rhymes with pùsh

whópping big BrE = Ẁapping London

whŏre prostitute = hŏar frost = Hŏare person = AmE hórror

whörl spiral = whïrl round

whose belonging = who's who is/has *hoôz: as with the more notorious íts of it and ít's it is/has

whŷ reason AmE *hwŷ; BrE = Wŷe river

*wích: a very common misspelling, especially by non-anglophones, of whích, perhaps influenced by the spelling of wíth, and maybe also by Ípswich, etc.


wícked evil *wíckíd cf. wíki

wícked wick *wíct

Wíckham = Wýcombe *Wíkəm

wîdespréad one word

Wídnes makes a minimal pair with wítness

wìêld = Wêald, cf. wêir, wêird


wíg head = BrE Whíg politics


wíkì rhymes with stícky

WíkiLeaks: "camel case" L

Wikipêdia: capital W

wîld càrd cards, sport two words

wîldcard computing one word

wîldcát adjective one word

wíldebeest *wíldəbêast


wîles stratagems cf. whîle during

wílful in AmE can be wíllful, which is unusual: in most words it is the BrE spelling which has the double l before a suffix, as in dîalling

wíll verb = Wíll William

will-o'-the-wísp *wíllədhə-wísp

Wíllesden *Wílsdon


wîly cunning = Wŷlie

wímp cf. whímper

wînd round

wínd blow

wíndbag one word

Wíndsor *Wínzər

wîne drink = BrE whîne moan

wínter = Wíntour

wîred makes a minimal pair with wêird

Wísbêch *Wízbêech


wîsecrack one word


wít humour = BrE whít small = BrE Whít Whitsun

wítch wizard = BrE whích what

wítch-húnt may appear without its hyphen: wítchhúnt

wíther decay = BrE whíther where

withhéld second h aspirated

withhôld second h aspirated

withín one word

withòut one word

Wodehouse PG = Woòdhouse Emma, etc.

wôe sad = BrE whôa horse, cf. wòw surprise



wol- usually = woòl *wùl

wolf *wùlf = Woòlf, Wolf, Wolfe, Woòlfe persons

Wollstonecraft Mary Woòl-

Wolseley *Wùlzly

Wolsey *Wùlzy

woman *wùmən

womb *woôm, rhymes with roôm

women *wímmin; some dialects of New Zealand and South Africa = woman *wùmən

wòn game = òne only

wònder what? cf. ẁander *wónder roam




wôn't will not = wônt habit, cf. ẁant require

woòd tree = woùld if


Woòdward *Woòdwərd

woòf dog, fabric = wùff dog

woòl cf. Wollstonecraft, Wolsey, etc., same first vowel sound

woòllen BrE = AmE woòlen

woòlly BrE = AmE woòly wool = Woòlley person, rhyming with fùlly

Worcester England = Woòster Bertie *Wùster

wörd cf. wård

wŏre wear = wår fight

wörk makes a British English minimal pair with wålk (BrE *wök and *wŏk)

wörkingmán in AmE can be one word, BrE wörking mán

wörld makes a BrE minimal pair with wålled

Wörld Wår II the Second World War *Tû: not '2', but pronounced 'Two'; cf. II pronounced 'The Second' following the names of monarchs and popes, etc. (similarly with WWI)

wŏrldwide one word


wòrry BrE; AmE wörry


wörship cf. wårship


wörsted worst, wool -íd


woùld if = woòd tree

woùld-bê adjective hyphenated

woûnd injury

wòund wînd

wòw excitement cf. wôe depression

wráck pain = ráck frame, stretch

wrâith ghost = Râith Rovers

wráp parcel = ráp knock, speak

ẁrath anger BrE = Róth person; AmE wráth

wrêak make = rêek smell, cf. wréck collapse, réckless careless

wrêath noun unvoiced th as in bréath, different vowel sound

wrêathe verb voiced th, as in brêathe

wréck cf. réckless

wrécks = Réx

wrést wrestle = rést repose

wrétch miserable = rétch vomit


wrîght artesan as in plâywright; = Wrîght person = wrîte letter = rîght side, correct = rîte ritual

wríng squeeze = ríng finger, bell

wrínkle cf. ránkle

wrîte written = wrîght etc.

wróngdoing noun one word, *róngdûing

wróng-foòt verb

wrôte write = rôte learning

Wrotham Kent *Roôtəm

wrúng wring = rúng ring, ladder

wrŷ humour = rŷe crop

wrŷlỳ wry = Rîley, Reîlly

wùff dog = woòf fabric, dog

Wŷatt *Wŷət, cf. whîte

Wýcombe High = Wíckham West

Wŷe river = BrE whŷ reason
