Template:Infobox Person/doc

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Some Bloke
Other names S.B.
Website bloke.net
Born 31st April 1902
Died 31st June 2005
Occupation Scientist
Title Prof.
Predecessor A Bloke
Successor The Bloke
Salary Millions
Political party Often
Boards on Many
Religion Samarian
Notable relations Reginal Bloke
Discovered Joe Blogs is more popular than the average bloke.
{{Infobox Person
| name        = Some Bloke
| portrait    = test.jpg
| other_names = S.B.
| website     = bloke.net
| birth_date  = 31st April 1902
| birth_place = Utopia
| death_date  = 31st June 2005
| death_place = Aipotu
| occupation  = Scientist
| title       = Prof.
| salary      = Millions
| term        = 5th
| predecessor = A Bloke
| successor   = The Bloke
| party       = Often
| boards      = Many
| religion    = Samarian
| relations   = Reginal Bloke
| footnotes   = Discovered Joe Blogs is more popular than the average bloke.