Talk:Michael Collins

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 Definition Irish revolutionary leader who led negotiations at the Anglo-Irish Treaty. Lead the pro-treaty side during the Irish Civil War. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories History and Military [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English


We need to include something about Collins' reluctance to leading the negotiations delegation - the "poisoned chalice" of knowing whatever he negotiated would be unacceptable to Dev... Anton Sweeney 04:15, 1 September 2007 (CDT)

Coogan (p 227) says he was reluctant because he saw himself as a soldier, not a diplomat. The poison angle was raised AFTER the treaty was signed. Richard Jensen 04:31, 1 September 2007 (CDT)

Another aspect to consider was that Collins didn't want to reveal his identity - remember that he managed to hide his identity from the British authorities in a relatively small city throughout the war, all the while riding his bike through Dublin dressed as a Businessman! Denis Cavanagh 08:08, 1 September 2007 (CDT)