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This is a bibliography of major works on Aggression.
- Akert, M. Robin, Aronson, E., and Wilson, D.T. "Social Psychology", 5th Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2005.
- Amaral, D.G., M D. Bauman, P Lavenex, W A. Mason, and J. E. Toscano. "The Expression of Social Dominance Following Neonatal Lesions of the Amygdala or Hippocampus in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta)." Behavioral Neuroscience 120 (2006): 749-760. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Andreu, J. Manuel, Takehiro Fujihara, Takaya Kohyama, and J. Martin Ramirez. "Justification of Interpersonal Aggression in Japanese, American, and Spanish Students." Aggressive Behavior 25 (1998): 185-195. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Anderson, C.A., Dill, K.E.. "Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2000), Vol. 78, No. 4, 772-790 <>.
- Archer, J. "Sex differences in aggression in real-world settings: A meta-analytic review" Review of General Psychology (2004), Vol. 8, No. 4, 291-322
- Bjorkqvist, Kaj, Kirsti M. Lagerspetz, and Karin Osterman. "Sex Differences in Covert Aggression." Aggressive Behavior 202 (1994): 27-33. 6 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Bongers, I. L., Koot, H. M., van der Ende, J., & Verhulst, F. C. (2004). Developmental trajectories of externalizing behaviors in childhood and adolescence. Child Development, 75, 1523-1537.
- Bowdle, Brian F., Dov Cohen, Richerd E. Nisbett, and Norbert Schwarz. "Insult, Aggression, and the Southern Culture of Honor: an “Experimental." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70 (1996): 945-960. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Card, N. A., Stucky, B. D., Sawalani, G. M., & Little, T. D. (2008). Direct and indirect aggression during childhood and adolescence: A meta-analytic review of gender differences, intercorrelations, and relations to maladjustment. Child Development, 79(5), 1185-1229.
- Coie, J. D. & Dodge, K. A. (1997). Aggression and antisocial behavior. In W. Damon & N. Eisenberg (Eds). Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 3: Social, emotional and personality development.
- Dewsbury, Donald A. "Dominance Rank, Copulatory Behavior, and Differential Reproduction." Quarterly Review of Biology 57 (1982): 135-159. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Figler, M H., J E. Finkelstein, H. V. S. Peeke, and M Twum. "Maternal Aggression in Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus Clarkii, Girard): the Relation Between Reproductive Status and Outcome of Aggressive Encounters with Male and Female Conspecifics." Behaviour 132 (1995): 107-125. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Freedman, J. (2002). Media violence and its effect on aggression.: Assessing the scientific evidence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Hines, Denise A., and Kimberly J. Saudino. "Gender Differences in Psychological, Physical, and Sexual Aggression Among College Students Using the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales." Violence and Victims 18 (2003): 197-217. 7 Dec. 2006 <>.
- Keeley, L. H. (1996). War before civilization: The myth of the peaceful savage. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Maccoby. E. E. & Jacklin. C.N. (1974). The psychology of sex differences, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Maestripieri, D. "Functional Aspects of Maternal Aggression in Mammals." Canadian Journal of Zoology 70 (1992): 1069-1077. 7 Dec. 2006 Functional Aspects of Maternal Aggression in Mammals.
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network (2004). Trajectories of physical aggression from toddlerhood to middle childhood: Predictors, correlates, and outcomes. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 69(4), vii-128.
- Nisbett, R. E. (1993). Violence and U.S. regional culture. American Psychologist, 48, 441-449.
- Silverberg, James; J. Patrick Gray (1992) Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates ISBN 0195071190
- Somit, A (1990) Humans, chimps, and bonobos: The biological bases of aggression, war, and peacemaking. Journal of Conflict Resolution 34:-582
- Thomas, E. M. (1958). The harmless people. New York: Vintage Books.
- Tremblay, R. E. (2000). The development of aggressive behaviour during childhood: What have we learned in the past century? International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 129-141.
- Tremblay, Richard E., Hartup, Willard W. and Archer, John (eds.) (2000) Developmental Origins of Aggression. New York: The Guilford Press. ISBN 1-59385-110-3
- Turner, C. W., J. J. Layton, and L. S. Simons (1975). Naturalistic studies of aggressive behavior: aggressive stimuli, victim visibility and horn honking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 31 (June): 1098-1107.