Erlang (programming language)/Tutorials/Linda Sieve: Difference between revisions

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imported>Eric Evers
imported>Eric Evers
Line 18: Line 18:
  One definition of real time programming is: has totally deterministic operation.
  One definition of real time programming is: has totally deterministic operation.

This primes program will generate the correct list of prime numbers about 9 out of 10 times.
This primes program will generate the correct list of prime numbers about 9 out of 10 times.  
The tenth time the P3 process will run after the P2 process, causing the number  
The P2 sieve is hard coded to cause the list of primes to dump when P2 finishes. This works
of primes to be too big and the list of primes will include some multiples of 3.  
almost all the time. The tenth time the P3 process will run after the P2 process stops,  
This is exactly the promise of soft real time: being deterministic, almost all the time.
causing the number of primes to be too big and the list of primes will include some multiples of 3.  
This is exactly the promise of soft real time: being deterministic, almost all the time.  
The late-P3 error is easy to fix, we simply add a function to check if all the workers are done in  
The late-P3 error is easy to fix, we simply add a function to check if all the workers are done in  
the base case of P2 and P3. If all the workers are done, then send linda the {dump,output} message.  
the base case of P2 and P3. If all the workers are done, then send linda the {dump,output} message.  

Revision as of 19:02, 18 April 2008

Prime Sieve with Linda Coordination


Prime Sieve

How many processes can this program use? This program creates as many sieves as the square root of the numbers in the matrix. If we are looking for the primes below 100 then there are ~10 parallel sieve processes. Actually, most of the seive processes are halted and only (the number of prime numbers under the square root of Max) processes are left at the end. This allows an easy parallelism of 10 for 100 and 100 for 10000 with little modification.

An aside about the soft realtime nature of erlang: 
One definition of real time programming is: has totally deterministic operation.

This primes program will generate the correct list of prime numbers about 9 out of 10 times. The P2 sieve is hard coded to cause the list of primes to dump when P2 finishes. This works almost all the time. The tenth time the P3 process will run after the P2 process stops, causing the number of primes to be too big and the list of primes will include some multiples of 3. This is exactly the promise of soft real time: being deterministic, almost all the time. The late-P3 error is easy to fix, we simply add a function to check if all the workers are done in the base case of P2 and P3. If all the workers are done, then send linda the {dump,output} message. For educational purposes, this safety check function has been left as an exercise for the reader.

Prime Sieve Program (parallel)

   % This is a simple linda tuplespace. Here we use it to find primes numbers.
   % This tuple-space can not have duplicate tuples, but with a prime sieve it does
   %  not matter.
   start() -> start(100).  % defualt value for max is 100
   start(Max) -> 
       io:format("  Loading ~w numbers into matrix (+N) \n ", [ Max ] ),
       Lid = spawn_link( primes, linda, [Max, [], [] ]),
       Sqrt = round(math:sqrt(Max)+0.5),  
       io:format(" Sqrt(~w) + 1 = ~w \n " , [Max,Sqrt] ),  
       io:format(" Tuple space is started ~n ",[]),  
       io:format(" ~w sieves are spawning (+PN) ~n ", [Sqrt] ),
       io:format(" Non prime sieves are being halted (-PN) ~n ", [] ),
       % load numbers into tuplespace 
       % and spawn seive process
       spawn( primes, put_it, [Max, Max, Lid] ).
   start_sieves(Lid) ->
       Lid ! {self(), get, all, pids},  
           {lindagram, pids, Pids} -> done
   start_sieve_loop([]) -> done;
   start_sieve_loop([Pid|Pids]) ->
       after 100 -> done
       Pid ! {start},
   spawn_sieves( _Max, Sqrt, _Lid, Sqrt ) -> done;  
   spawn_sieves( Max, Inc, Lid, Sqrt ) ->
       T = 1000,
       Pid = spawn( primes, sieve, [ Max, Inc+Inc, Inc, Lid, T ]),
       Name = list_to_atom("P" ++ integer_to_list(Inc)),
       Lid ! {put, pid, Name},
       register( Name, Pid),
       io:format(" +~s ", [atom_to_list(Name)]),
       spawn_sieves( Max, Inc+1, Lid, Sqrt ).
   put_it(Max, N, Lid) when N =< 1 ->
       Sqrt = round(math:sqrt(Max)+0.5),
       spawn_sieves( Max, 2, Lid, Sqrt );  
   put_it(Max, N,Lid) when N > 1 ->
       after 0 ->
           Lid ! {put, N, N},
               N rem 1000 == 0 ->
                   io:format(" +~w ", [N]);
               true -> done
           put_it(Max, N-1,Lid)
   % the 2 sieve starts last and has the most to do so it finishes last
   sieve(Max, N, 2, Lid, _T) when N > Max -> 
       io:format("final sieve ~w done, ~n", [2] ),
       Lid ! {dump,output};
   sieve(Max, N, Inc, _Lid, _T) when N > Max ->    
       io:format("sieve ~w done ", [Inc] );
   sieve(Max, N, Inc, Lid, T) when N =< Max ->   
           T -> NT = 0   
           {lindagram,Number} when Number =/= undefined -> 
           {exit} -> exit(normal)
           1 -> done 
       % remove multiple of number from tuple-space
       Lid ! {self(), get, N},
       Some_time = (N rem 1000)==0,
       if Some_time -> io:format("."); true -> done end,
       % remove (multiple of Inc) from sieve-process space
       Name = list_to_atom("P" ++ integer_to_list(N)),
       Exists = lists:member( Name, registered()),
           Exists ->
               Name ! {exit},
               io:format(" -~s ", [atom_to_list(Name)] );
           true -> done
       sieve(Max, N+Inc, Inc, Lid, NT).        % next multiple
   %% linda is a simple tutple space 
   %%    if it receives no messages for 2 whole seconds it dumps its contents 
   %%    as output and halts
   linda(Max, Keys, Pids) ->
       {put, pid, Pid} ->
           linda(Max, Keys, Pids++[Pid]);
       {put, Name, Value} ->
           put( Name, Value),
           linda(Max, Keys++[Name], Pids);
       {From, get, Name} ->
           From ! {lindagram, get( Name)},
           erase( Name ),                          % get is a desructive read  
           linda(Max, Keys--[Name],Pids);
       {From, get, all, pids} ->
           From ! {lindagram, pids, Pids},
           linda(Max, Keys, Pids );
       {From, get, pid, Pid} ->
           L1 = length( Pids ),
           L2 = length( Pids -- [Pid]),
               L1 > L2 ->  % if it exists
                   From ! {lindagram, pid, Pid};
               true -> 
                   From ! {lindagram, pid, undefined}
           linda(Max, Keys, Pids );
       {dump,output} ->
           io:format(" ~w final primes remain: ~w ~n ", [length(Keys),  lists:sort(Keys) ])
       after (100*Max) -> % if there is not tuple action after some time then print the results
           io:format(" ~w primes remain: ~w ~n ", [length(Keys),  lists:sort(Keys) ])

Sample Output for Prime Sieve

 Loading 1000 numbers into matrix (+N)
 Sqrt(1000) + 1 = 32
 Tuple space is started
 32 sieves are spawning (+PN)
 Non prime sieves are being halted (-PN)
 +1000 <0.46.0>
+P2  +P3  +P4  +P5  +P6  +P7  +P8  +P9  +P10  
+P11  +P12  +P13  +P14  +P15  +P16   
+P17  +P18  +P19  +P20  +P21  +P22  +P23  +P24  
+P25  +P26  +P27  +P28  +P29  +P30  
+P31  -P8  -P6  -P4  -P9  -P12  -P10  -P15  
-P15  -P18  -P14  -P21  -P21  -P22  
-P26  -P20  -P24  -P25  -P27  -P28  -P30  -P30  -P16 
sieve 31 done sieve 29 done 
sieve 19 done sieve 23 done sieve 11 done 
sieve 13 done sieve 17 done sieve 7 done 
.sieve 5 done sieve 3 done .final sieve 2 done,
168 final primes remain: 