Black Sea/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Black Sea.
See also changes related to Black Sea, or pages that link to Black Sea or to this page or whose text contains "Black Sea".

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Bordering countries

  • Bulgaria [r]: Mountainous republic (population c. 7.3 million; capital Sofia) in south-eastern Europe, bordered by Romania to the north (with River Danube as border); the Black Sea to the east; Greece and Turkey to the south; and Yugoslavia and Macedonia to the west. [e]
  • Georgia [r]: A country in the Caucasus to the southeast of Continental Europe and at the east coast of the Black Sea. [e]
  • Romania [r]: South-east European republic (population c. 22.2 million; capital Bucharest) on the western shore of the Black Sea, and divided by the arc of the Carpathian Mountains, which enclose the Transylvanian basin in the north-west; borders Ukraine, Moldavia, Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria. [e]
  • Russia [r]: A country in northern Eurasia, with an area of 17 million km², currently the largest on our planet. [e]
  • Turkey [r]: A secular Islamic republic (population 71.9 million; capital Ankara) extending from Eastern Thrace in Europe across the peninsula of Asia Minor; meets the Black Sea to the north, the Aegean to the west and the Mediterranean to the south; has land borders with Greece and Bulgaria in Europe, and Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. [e]
  • Ukraine [r]: A large Slavic nation in Eastern Europe whose capital is Kyiv (Kiev). [e]

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