Afrikaner nationalism/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Afrikaner nationalism.
See also changes related to Afrikaner nationalism, or pages that link to Afrikaner nationalism or to this page or whose text contains "Afrikaner nationalism".

Parent topics

  • Nationalism [r]: Strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance. [e]
  • South Africa [r]: The southernmost African nation; population about 50,000,000. [e]


  • Afrikaner Party [r]: A South African political party from 1941 to 1951 [e]
  • Apartheid [r]: The ideological and policy program that dictated racial identity and race relations in South Africa, 1948-1990 [e]
  • National Party (South Africa) [r]: A South African political party, known especially for its implementation of apartheid. [e]

Other related topics

  • Afrikaans language [r]: West-Germanic language descended from and still closely related to Dutch; spoken by many people in South Africa and Namibia. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)