World War II

World War II (1931-1945) was the most destructive global war in human history that killed 53 million people. With battles in Europe, Africa, Asia and the South Pacific, the "Allies" (UK, US, Soviet Union and others) eventually stopped the aggressively expanding "Axis" (Germany, Japan and others). It including the Holocaust (state-sponsored murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) which began in the early 1930's and arguably included also the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and the invasion of China by Japan of 1937. The "Allies" (UK, US, Soviet Union) eventually stopped the expansion of the "Axis" (Germany, Japan) and dismantled their governments.
This war, more than any other, propelled nations towards total war, a complete social, political, military, and economic commitment of a nation to war. Thus the war stimulated unprecedented levels of productivity and generated a wide variety of new technologies. The nations had been mobilized in the interests of many opposing ideologies, often seeking the unconditional surrender of their enemies. As whole populations were materially and politically, if not militarily, invested in the war effort, the distinction between combatant and non-combatant became blurred. Furthermore, many of these ideologies preached ideas of racism and genocide. Thus the level of civilian causalities in this war far surpasses any other in human history.
This war also marks the end of European domination of the globe and the rise of a bi-polar world dominated by two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. The war also broke the ability of the remaining colonial powers (mainly Great Britain, France, Japan, and the Netherlands) to hold and maintain their empires. Thus the war also sparked a period of decolonization afterward. In the Commonwealth nations, official histories of the war use the term Second World War. This style also follows literally translations of other nations' official designation for the conflict, e.g. Zweiter Weltkrieg in German. The official histories of the United States refer to the conflict as World War II or World War Two, and that term is now often used in Canada and the UK as well. Parts of the world, especially Latin America, were largely unaffected directly by the conflict, with significant concentrations of activity in the European, north African, Russian, and Pacific theaters.
Causes and Diplomacy
Both Germany and the Soviet Union participated in an armed invasion and occupation of Poland, beginning with an initial German attack on September 1, 1939. The German invasion has often been referred to as "blitzkrieg" (lighting war), due to the close coupling of tank-heavy armored forces with close air support, under common radio direction, with foot-mobile infantry following up to secure the breaches.
France and Great Britain, having sworn to defend Poland, declared war on Germany but in the end were unable to provide material assistance. The Soviet Union launched its own invasion of Polish territory, and Slovak troops also participated in operations on Polish soil. Poland officially capitulated in October.
Western Front
- Phoney War
- Invasion of Norway
- Battle for France and the Low Countries
- Battle of Britain
- Battle of the Atlantic
- Invasion of Normandy
- Northwest Europe Campaign
- Southern France
- Crossing the Rhine
Mediterranean Front
- Invasion of Greece
- Invasion of Yugoslavia
- North Africa
- Battle of Sicily
- Italian Campaign
Eastern Front
- Winter War
- Operation Barbarossa
- Continuation War
- Battle of Berlin
see World War II in the Pacific
China, Burma, and India
Japanese expansion in the Pacific
Defeat of the Japanese Empire
Major developments

U.S.S. Massachusetts (BB-59) underway at 15 knots off Point Wilson, Washington on July 11, 1944.[1]

The aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise (CV-6) at sea, circa 1943-44.[2]
On December 7, 1941, the battleship, with large guns as its primary weapon, had become secondary to the aircraft carrier as the dominant ship of the world's navies. The last combat between battleships was the Battle of Surigao Strait on October 25, 1944.
Naval aviation, primarily carrier-based but with some significant activity by land-based aircraft, became the centerpiece of combat at sea, although submarines (primarily operating alone) also proved to be decisive. Defense against aircraft attack also advanced quickly, with the key technologies of radar, improved anti-aircraft artillery with proximity-fuzed shells, combat air patrol doctrine, and combat information center coordination. Defense was especially important against the first large-scale use of precision-guided munitions, or kamikaze aircraft with pilots intending to die with their airplanes crashing into ships.
Amphibious warfare doctrine and practice constantly improved.
Replenishment at sea allowed U.S. fleets to operate for long periods, away from bases. This was a major force multiplier.
Air War
War Crimes
Results and Aftermath
Total Japanese military fatalities between 1937 and 1945 were 2.1 million; most came in the last year of the war. Starvation or malnutrition-related illness accounted for roughly 80 percent of Japanese military deaths in the Philippines, and 50 percent of military fatalities in China. The aerial bombing of a total of 65 Japanese cities appears to have taken a minimum of 400,000 and possibly closer to 600,000 civilian lives (over 100,000 in Tokyo alone, over 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, and 80,000-150,000 civilian deaths in the battle of Okinawa). Civilian deaths among settlers who died attempting to return to Japan from Manchuria in the winter of 1945 were probably around 100,000.[3]
- ↑ "Big Mamie" fired the first and last American 16" projectiles "in anger" during the Second World War (these being at the November 8, 1942 Naval Battle of Casablanca and in the form of shore bombardment against the Japanese city of Kamaishi on August 9, 1945.
- ↑ The "Big E" earned 20 battle stars for World War II service, making her the most decorated ship in U.S. history. SHe was also the only aircraft carrier in operation at the beginning of the conflict still in service at war's end.
- ↑ John Dower, "Lessons from Iwo Jima," Perspectives (Sept 2007) 45#6 pp 54-56 available at