Nuclear power reconsidered/Debate Guide

Nuclear power is a controversial topic, and some of the controversies remain unsettled, even after the facts in the article are agreed on. This Debate Guide page will provide a concise summary from each side of these unsettled issues. Much of this discussion is collected from Internet forums, and we welcome updates to provide more reliable sources.
Sabotage scenarios are disaster porn
These sabotage scenarios are just disaster porn and should be deleted with prejudice. The arguments about terrorism are equally valid to municipal water treatment plants and hydro dams, but these are not challenged. How about a balanced discussion of the dangers of terrorism on public infrastructure? Maybe use Zaporizhzhia as an example:
There has been much hand wringing about the dangers of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant being subject to bombing, but these worries are far out of proportion to the potential risks. Certainly the bombing of expensive public infrastructure on which lives depend can be a catastrophe, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that we shouldn’t build towers just because a maniacal cult might fly airplanes into them.
We have evidence it is easy to kill tens of thousands of people by sabotaging a hydro dam in Zaporizhzhia. But what would be the damage of a nuclear facility being bombed?
Chernobyl is the best example—a reactor with no containment building exploded and burned for over a week. The result? 29 immediate deaths, and the loss of 1 GW of clean high capacity factor electricity. Decades later the UNSCEAR has reviewed the available health data, and determined that there have been roughly 6,000 additional cases of thyroid cancer and 15 deaths a couple decades later, all of which could have been avoided had the Soviet government admitted the accident immediately and taken a few simple safety measures.
We now know from various studies that evacuations following nuclear accidents have been significantly overzealous to the detriment of the life expectancy of the evacuees, due in large part to fear and ignorance. Almost all of the evacuees from the Fukushima region would’ve been better off sheltering in place. We now know that the impact of moving from Fukushima to Tokyo and experiencing what we consider as acceptable levels of fossil fuel air pollution, for example, would have resulted in a greater loss of life expectancy than staying put following the meltdowns.
It becomes apparent that when it comes to nuclear reactors, the only thing to fear is fear itself. --- Dr. Al Scott - The Rational View
Editorial Note: Most questions on reactor safety are best discussed in the context of a specific design. For a response to these sabotage scenarios, see the Safety section of the ThorCon article. David MacQuigg (talk) 11:50, 13 September 2022 (CDT)
Purpose of this article
The purpose of this article is to summarize the questions that have been raised and the criteria that have been established for evaluating the many nuclear reactor designs that are now being proposed as solutions to the global warming problem. Answers to these questions should be provided in the subpages linked in the Related Articles subpage. We want to keep this top article short and non-controversial. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and comments from skeptics in the Debate Guide subpages. David MacQuigg (talk) 10:53, 26 December 2022 (CST)
Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: Where the Sh*t Hits the Fan
... Still worse, nuclear industry apologists and nuclear supporters continuously pretend or deny that there is no link between nuclear energy and weapons proliferation, despite constant news and regular reports that provide evidence to the contrary. According to this CNN report, “Uranium particles enriched to near bomb-grade levels have been found at an Iranian nuclear facility, according to the UN’s nuclear watchdog, as the US warned that Tehran’s ability to build a nuclear bomb was accelerating.” This connection to the the potential for arms proliferation and ultimately nuclear war that could result in the annihilation of all life on Earth is pretty much why J.R. Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, later repelled by his own creation said, “we have become death, destroyer of worlds.” Let’s be clear, all types of civilian nuclear energy assistance raise the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation.