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- Di Sciullo AM, Boeckx C. (2011) The biolinguistic enterprise: new perspectives on the evolution and nature of the human language faculty. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199553280 (pbk.).
- Larson RK, Dâeprez VM, Yamakido H. (2010) The evolution of human language: biolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521516457.
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Bickerton D, Szathmáry E. (2009) Biological foundations and origin of syntax. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, ISBN 9780262013567 (hardcover : alk. paper).
Chomsky N, Piattelli-Palmarini M, Salaburu Etxeberria P, Uriagereka J. (2009) Of minds and language: a dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque country. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199544660.
Falk D. (2009) Finding our tongues: mothers, infants and the origins of language. New York: Basic Books, ISBN 9780465002191 (alk. paper).
Moro A. (2008) The boundaries of Babel: the brain and the enigma of impossible languages. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Romportl S, Vykypel B. (2008) On the biological nature of natural language and other essays. München: Lincom, ISBN 9783895863158 (pbk.).
Pinker S. (2007) The language instinct: how the mind creates language. New York: HarperPerennial ModernClassics, ISBN 9780061336461.
Cattell NR. (2006) An introduction to mind, consciousness and language. London: Continuum, ISBN 0826455158 (hbk.).
Lieberman P. (2006) Toward an evolutionary biology of language. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, ISBN 0674021843 (cloth : alk. paper).
Johansson S. (2005) Origins of language: constraints and hypotheses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub, ISBN 1588116298.
Lâopez Garcâia â. (2005) The grammar of genes: how the genetic code resembles the linguistic code. Bern: P. Lang, ISBN 3039106546.
Jenkins L. (2004) Variation and universals in biolinguistics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, ISBN 0444512314.
Banich MT, Mack MA. (2003) Mind, brain, and language: multidisciplinary perspectives. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0805833285 (pbk. : alk. paper).
Anderson SR, Lightfoot D, ebrary I. (2002) The language organ: linguistics as cognitive physiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Anderson SR, Lightfoot D. (2002) The language organ: linguistics as cognitive physiology. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521809940 (HB).
Emmorey K. (2002) Language, cognition, and the brain: insights from sign language research. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0805833986 (alk. paper).
Givâon T, ebrary I. (2002) Bio-linguistics: the Santa Barbara lectures. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co.
Allott R. (2001) The natural origin of language: the structural inter-relation of language, visual perception, and action. Knebworth, Hertfordshire England: Able Pub, ISBN 1903607094.
Grodzinsky Y, Shapiro LP, Swinney D. (2000) Language and the brain: representation and processing. San Diego, Calif: Academic Press, ISBN 0123042607.
Jenkins L, ebrary I. (2000) Biolinguistics: exploring the biology of language. Cambridge England: Cambridge University Press.
Marantz A, Miyashita Y, O'Neil WA. (2000) Image, language, brain: papers from the First Mind Articulation Project Symposium. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, ISBN 0262133717 (hc.).