Tony Blair/Addendum

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown
Much of the contemporary comment on Tony Blair's premiership in the British press was about his strained relationship with Gordon Brown. Since much of what passed between them is known only to them, it is unlikely that an objective account of the matter will ever be available. Witness statements, in the form of memoirs[1] and interviews[2] by Tony Blair as one of the protagonists, and Peter Mandelson, their mutual colleague and confidante, became available for the first time, three or four years latter, in the Summer of 2010. There was no record available at that time of a corresponding statement by Gordon Brown.
"The Brothers" (1983-1994)
When he was elected as a Member of Parliament at the age of 32, Gordon Brown was already an established figure in the Labour party, having been elected to its Scottish executive at the age of 24. According to Tony Blair's biographer, Anthony Seldon[3] he was clearly the star of the 1983 intake of Labour MPs, whereas Tony Blair was a relative newcomer, having unexpectedly been elected in the same year. They soon acquired, what Tony Blair has described as "genuine and sincere liking for each other" [4]. For the next nine years they were virtually inseparable. They shared a tiny office at No1 Parliament Street and they were so often seen together that they became known as "the brothers". They were both recognised as high fliers by the party's seniors, but Tony was regarded as the protegé of the more experienced Gordon. In the early years of their relationship, Tony Blair was later to recall that he had obtained his grounding in politics from Gordon Brown: "he taught me the business of politics in roughly the same way as Derry[5] taught me the business of the Bar"[4].
Their political views at that time were virtually identical. Both wanted to shift the Labour party away from its close linkage with the trade unions, and away from its "tax-and-spend" economic policy. Both were convinced that the "New Labour" party that they wanted to create could form a long- lasting high-achieving government. In temperament, however, they were very different. Tony Blair was a family man, Gordon Brown was single. Peter Mandelson had the impression that Tony Blair "if he wanted to, could walk away" tomorrow [6], but he could not imagine Gordon Brown as anything but a Labour MP. Gordon Brown was an avid reader: Tony Blair was not. In their office Gordon Brown would usually be hunched over has computer keyboard while Tony Blair would usually be laid back with his feet on his desk.
Rivals (1994)
In 1994, when the leader of the Labour party died, Gordon Brown confidently expected to succeed him. He told Peter Mandelson that he considerd the other contenders, Robin Cook and John Prescott, to stand no chance, and he did not mention the possibility that Tony Blair would stand[7]. However, Tony Blair had by then formed a conviction that he had leadership qualities that Gordon Brown lacked, and that he himself could win the country over and lead a successful Labour government[8]. He knew that he was more popular than Gordon Brown among Labour Members of Parliament and with the public (in a MORI opinion poll he had scored 32 percent against Gordon Brown's 9 per cent)[9], but he decided to try to "cajole him out" of a contest rather than confront him[10]. In a series of discussions with Gordon Brown, he argued that he had by far the greater chance of success, but that they had a common objective and that Gordon Brown would in due course be his natural successor[11]. According to Tony Blair, their discussions were difficult but not unfriendly - rather like a loving couple trying to decide whose career should come first[12]
The memoirs by Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson are denoted (TB) and (PM) and their interviews by Andrew Marr are denoted (TB/AM) and (PM/AM).
- ↑ See memoirs by Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson
- ↑ See interviews by Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson
- ↑ Anthony Seldon: Blair, Free Press, 2004)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 TB p68
- ↑ Derry Irvine, later to become Lord Chancellor
- ↑ PM p155
- ↑ PM p160
- ↑ TB pp58-60
- ↑ Anthony Seldon: Blair, pages 660 and 188 Free Press, 2004
- ↑ TB pp65-66
- ↑ TB p69
- ↑ TB p71