Reliance (yacht)

Reliance was the successful defending yacht of the 1903 America's Cup, representing the New York Yacht Club (NYYC). She was designed by Nathaniel Herreshoff for a syndicate of NYYC members managed by C. Oliver Iselin, the fourth America's Cup winner to be designed by Herreshoff.
Reliance was designed according to the Seawanhaka rule which allowed yachts of different designs to race together by rating their performance based on various measurements, and imposing a maximum waterline length. Herreshoff exploited this rule to create a yacht with long overhangs whose overall length was considerably greater than her waterline length, creating the effect of a much longer yacht when heeled over. She employed many innovations as well as the largest sail-plan ever seen on a single masted vessel at that time.
Her challenger for the 1903 America's Cup was Shamrock III, entered by Sir Thomas Lipton through the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. Reliance won all races during the Cup under the command of Captain Charlie Barr, Captain Barrs third America's Cup win.
Reliance raced successfully from her creation in 1903 until her desctruction in 1913, when she was broken up for scrap. Following the 1903 America's cup the Seawanhaka rule was abandoned and Reliance is still known as one of the most extreme Cup contenders of all time.