
A lemniscate is a geometric curve in the form of the digit 8, usually drawn such that the digit is lying on its side, as the infinity symbol . The name derives from the Greek λημνισκος (lemniskos, woolen band).
Two forms are common.
Lemniscate of Gerono
This form is named for the French mathematician Camille Christophe Gerono (1799-1891). Its equation in Cartesian coordinates is
- .
The figure shows the case a = √2
Lemniscate of Bernoulli
This form is named for James Bernoulli, who coined the name lemniscata (feminine form of lemniscatus) and published its form in an article in Acta Eruditorum in 1694. Basically, Bernoulli's lemniscate is the locus of points that have a distance r1 to a focus F1 and a distance r2 to a focus F2, while r1r2 is constant. In the figure the foci are on the x-axis at ±1. The product of the distances is constant and equal to half the distance 2a between the foci squared. For foci on the x-axis at ±a the equation is,
Expanding and simplfying gives
The latter equation gives upon substitution of
the following polar equation