World War Two in the Pacific/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about World War Two in the Pacific.
See also changes related to World War Two in the Pacific, or pages that link to World War Two in the Pacific or to this page or whose text contains "World War Two in the Pacific".

Parent topics

  • World War II [r]: (1931–1945) global war killing 53 million people, with the "Allies" (UK, US, Soviet Union) eventually halting aggressive expansion by the "Axis" (Nazi Germany and Japan). [e]
  • Naval warfare [r]: The military history of the organized navies of the world from 300 BCE to the present. [e]
  • Imperial Japanese Navy [r]: The part of the Japanese military responsible for naval warfare, 1868-1945 [e]
  • United States Navy [r]: Branch of the U.S. armed forces] responsible for combat on, over, and under water. [e]



United States







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