User:Milton Beychok/Gallery Subpages

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CHOKED FLOW EQUATION dimensional units:

The only difference between the the metric units version and the U.S. customary units version is in these terms:

Metric:   Q = A ( p P )1/2

U.S.:   Q = A ( gc p P)1/2

All of the other terms are dimensionless.

Metric units:

Q = m2 [ kg/m3 • kg/(m•s2) ]1/2 = m2 [ kg2/( m4•s2) ]1/2 = kg/s     Note that P = Pascal = kg/(m•s2)

U.S. units:

Q = ft2 [ ft/s2 • lb/ft3 • lb/ft2 ]1/2 = ft2 [ lb2/(s2 • ft4 ]1/2 = lb/s