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Apartheid, an Afrikaans term that translates literally as "apartness," was the law of the land in South Africa from 1948 until 1990.

History of apartheid

Origin and pre-1948 development

From the 1948 election to the Sharpeville Massacre

Apartheid during the "silent sixties"

Reforming apartheid

The impetus to reform apartheid stemmed from a resurgence of labor unrest and antiapartheid protest activity during the 1970s.

In response to these developments, in 1977, the government appointed the Commission of Inquiry into Labour Legislation, more commonly known as the Wiehahn Commission. Soon afterwards, a second commission, the Commission of Inquiry into the Utilization of Manpower, or Riekert Commission, was appointed.

The end of apartheid

On February 2, 1990, President F.W. de Klerk announced that his government would begin negotiations with representatives of the various racial communities in South Africa to produce a new, egalitarian constitution. In the same speech, he announced Nelson Mandela's release from prison and the legalization of banned and restricted organizations.

Repeal of apartheid policies

Democratic negotiations and regime transition

Apartheid legislation and policies

Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949): This law made it illegal for whites to marry non-whites.

Population Registration Act (1950): This law provided for the establishment of a national population registry and required that all South Africans be registered as either "a white person, a coloured person or a native."[1]

Group Areas Act (1950)


  1. Population Registration Act, Act No 30 of 1950 [1]