Attack helicopter

An attack helicopter is purpose-built for missions where it will deliver firepower, either in conjunction with armed helicopters and unarmed cargo helicopters, or on independent missions of close air support or battlefield air interdiction. A representative attack helicopter is the U.S. Army's AH-64 Apache.
Armed helicopters rarely carry weapons heavier than light machine guns and possibly small pods for unguided rockets. Attack helicopters carry heavy armament such as heavy machine guns, autocannon and machine-gun fire, unguided rockets, and air-to-surface missiles such as the U.S. Hellfire or Russian AT-6 SPIRAL.
Many attack helicopters are also capable of carrying air to air missiles, though mostly for purposes of self-defense. These missiles are usually modifications of man-portable air defense system (MANPADS) surface-to-air missiles such as the U.S. FIM-92 Stinger.
Today's attack helicopter has two main roles: first, to provide direct and accurate close air support for ground troops, and the second, in the anti tank role to destroy enemy armor concentrations. Attack helicopters are also used to supplement lighter helicopters in the armed scout role. Scout helicopters may use laser designators or other equipment to provide guidance to the heavier weapons fired from the attack helicopters.
In some special operations missions, a large, usually armed rather than attack, helicopter with extensive electronics may navigate for a formation of lighter armed helicopters. An example of this was having United States Air Force MH-53 PAVE LOW helicopters guide Army Apache attack helicopters to the first targets hit in the Gulf War, early warning radars on the Saudi-Iraqi border.
Specialized armed and attack helicopters fly from ships at sea, and are equipped, variously, for antisubmarine warfare or strikes with anti-shipping missiles. These helicopters may help guide weapons fired from a cooperating ship or fixed-wing aircraft.