
Atomic symbol
There is no atomic symbol for Unobtanium...because it does not exist. But if there were it might be: <section begin=Atomic symbol /> Ume <section end=Atomic symbol />
Atomic number
<section begin=Atomic number /> -1 <section end=Atomic number />
Standard atomic weight
<section begin=Standard atomic weight /> <section begin=Atomic mass /> <section begin=Atomic weight /> 867.5309g/mol/uJ <section end=Atomic weight /> <section end=Atomic mass /> [1] <section end=Standard atomic weight />
Standard phase
<section begin=Standard phase /> Solid <section end=Standard phase />
Elemental class
<section begin=Elemental class /> Ume has class! <section end=Elemental class />
<section begin=Group /> 1 <section end=Group />
<section begin=Period /> 2 <section end=Period />
<section begin=Block /> z <section end=Block />
<section begin=Appearance /> No[2] <section end=Appearance />
<section begin=Electronegativity /> 3.14 <section end=Electronegativity />
<section begin=Density /> 3.0g/mm3 <section end=Density />
Melting point
<section begin=Melting point /> 100 <section end=Melting point />
Boiling point
<section begin=Boiling point /> 999 <section end=Boiling point />
Heat of fusion
<section begin=Heat of fusion /> 1.21GW <section end=Heat of fusion />
Heat of vaporization
<section begin=Heat of vaporization /> -12345 <section end=Heat of vaporization />
Ionization energy
<section begin=Ionization energy /> 1kJ/mol <section end=Ionization energy />
2nd Ionization energy
<section begin=2nd Ionization energy /> 2kJ/mol <section end=2nd Ionization energy />
3rd Ionization energy
<section begin=3rd Ionization energy /> 3kJ/mol <section end=3rd Ionization energy />
Van der Waals radius
<section begin=Van der Waals radius /> 3.5pm <section end=Van der Waals radius />
Young's modulus
<section begin=Young's modulus /> 5 <section end=Young's modulus />
Shear modulus
<section begin=Shear modulus /> 8 <section end=Shear modulus />
Bulk modulus
<section begin=Bulk modulus /> 66.5 <section end=Bulk modulus />
Mohs hardness
<section begin=Mohs hardness /> 3 <section end=Mohs hardness />
CAS number
<section begin=CAS number /> 42 <section end=CAS number />