Talk:Iraq Study Group

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Revision as of 09:18, 20 May 2008 by imported>J. Noel Chiappa (Great job so far - 2 minor points)
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 Definition Bipartisan panel (2006) assessing aftermath of the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of that country by a coalition of countries led by the U.S. Aka the Baker-Hamilton Commission. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Politics [Please add or review categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Content so far

This looks really good so far; two minor requests. First, at one point, the text says "Opinions in mainstream media were divided", but goes on to give only one example (on one side); can we have another one? Second, it describes French newspaper reaction as "a searing indictment of the Bush administration's incompetence"; instead of using such acerbic language directly (which could be taken as a CZ editorial comment), can we do it as a quote? Other than that, great job on such a difficult topic. J. Noel Chiappa 09:18, 20 May 2008 (CDT)