The Republic (dialogue of Plato)

The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by the Greek philosopher Plato, where Socrates conducts a discussion as to the nature of justice, which is illustrated with reference to an imaginary city State - the Republic of the title. The Republic is one of a number of texts which allow us to see Plato's ethical and political positions, albeit through the figure of Socrates.
The dialogue starts with Socrates discussing the matter of justice with Cephalus. He is eventually challenged by Thrasymachus, who suggests that there is no link between the good life and justice.
"City in speech"
The imaginary "city in speech", or the perfectly just city, is depicted in the book as an authoritarian state where the government regulates every aspect of life including reproduction, music (flute is banned), and literature, to ensure citizens are propertly brought up and form an united, cohesive "community of pain and pleasure". The interpretation of this image is controversial, as some modern thinkers, such as Karl Popper, a prominent philosopher from the Analytical school, view it as an actual advocacy of such an autocratic form of government and criticize Plato as anti-democratic. Others, such as Alan Bloom, believe Plato did not think such an ideal city could exist in practice, and the city in speech was merely a thought process to seek the truth.
Analysis of existing political regimes
After delineating the "city in speech", which Plato had named it as an aristocracy, The Republic proceeds to provide critiques to existing political regimes at that time, in Book Eight to Nine. According to Plato, factions would war against each other in the aristocracy and military glory would become a primary concern for leaders, brining about the system of timocracy, or timarchy. Then the ruling elites would turn towards procuring monetary gains to strengthen their political power as well as to partake in leisurely indulgence, leading to oligarchy, or plutocracy. After the oligarchy continues to become corrupt and oppressive, the poor would rise up to rebel and establish democracy, a system according to Plato to emphasize on diversity and liberty. Eventually however, a demogogue would use rhetoric to win over the masses and grip absolute power, leading to the regime Plato considered to be the worst -- tyranny, the political system of ultimate perversion and depravity.