Thomas Edward Lawrence
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Thomas Edward Lawrence, later known as 'Lawrence of Arabia' (August 16, 1888 in Tremadoc, Wales - May 19, 1935 in Bovington, Dorset), was educated as an archaeologist and historian; he became an intelligence officer, a liaison officer with the Arab Revolt from 1916-1918 and a member of the Colonial Office, then a Tank Corps and R.A.F.-soldier. He wanted to be considered as a writer.
Early life and education
In World War I
At the Versailles Peace Conference and in the Colonial Office
In the ranks
His writings
His character and his appeal
Most important writings
- Woolley, C. Leonard, and T. E. Lawrence. The Wilderness of Zin: Archeological Report. With a chapter on the Greek inscriptions by M[arcus]. N. Tod. Palestine Exploration Fund, Annual, 3. London: Off. of the Fund, 1915. New edition, Preface by Jonathan Tubb, introduction by Sam T. Moorhead. London: Stacey International, 2003.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Revolt in the Desert. London: Jonathan Cape / New York: George H. Doran, 1927. (Lawrence's abridgement of the Seven Pillars.)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph. [First privately printed in 1926.] London: Jonathan Cape, 1935. (Many reprints.) Still available at Penguin Books.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Crusader Castles. London: The Golden Cockerel Press, 1936. (The best edition by Denys Pringle [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988]).
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Secret Despatches from Arabia. Ed. by Arnold W. Lawrence. London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1939. New edition, Secret Despatches from Arabia and Other Writings. Ed. and introduced by Malcolm Brown. London: Bellew Publishing, 1991. Best edition, T. E. Lawrence in War and Peace. Edited by Malcolm Brown. Greenhill Books, 2005.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Oriental Assembly. With photographs by the author. Ed. by Arnold W. Lawrence. London: Williams and Norgate, 1939. (Includes Lawrence's diary of his tour in 1911, which he undertook after the end of the excavation season; also the first chapter of the Seven Pillars, which remained unpublished in 1935.) Facsimile edition with new introduction by Malcolm Brown. London: Imperial War Museum, 1991.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Mint [: A Day-Book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922 with Later Notes by 352087 A/c Ross.] London: Jonathan Cape, 1955. (Published posthumously; the first edition of the unexpurgated text was published in London by Jonathan Cape, 1973. Reprinted)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Evolution of a Revolt. Ed. by Stanley and Rodelle Weintraub. University Park, Pa.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1968. (Good, but incomplete collection of Lawrence's post-war writings.)
- Wilson, Jeremy, ed. Minorities. Preface by C. Day Lewis. London: Jonathan Cape, 1971. (Lawrence's collection of his favorite poetry.)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Lawrence of Arabia, Strange Man of Letters. Ed. By Harold Orlans. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1993. (Letters, reviews and literary writings.)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Complete 1922 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: The ‘Oxford’ text. Edited by Jeremy and Nicole Wilson. 1997. Fordingbridge, Hampshire: J. and N. Wilson, 2004.
Letter editions
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. T. E. Lawrence to His Biographer, Robert Graves: Information about Himself, in the Form of Letters, Notes and Answers to Questions, Edited with a Critical Commentary [by Robert Graves]. London: Faber and Faber, 1938.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. T. E. Lawrence to His Biographer, Liddell Hart: Information about Himself, in the Form of Letters, Notes, Answers to Questions and Conversations. [Edited by Basil H. Liddell Hart.] London: Faber and Faber, 1938.
- (Both editions in one book reprinted, with original paging and an index:] Lawrence, Thomas Edward. T. E. Lawrence to His Biographers Robert Graves and Liddell Hart. London: Cassell 1963.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Letters of T. E. Lawrence. Edited by David Garnett. London: Jonathan Cape, 1938. [Reprint edition:] With a Foreword by Captain B. H. Liddell Hart. London: Spring Books, 1964.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Shaw-Ede: T. E. Lawrence’s Letters to H. S. Ede, 1927-1935. Edited, with a Foreword and a Running Commentary by Harold Stanley Ede. London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1942.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Home Letters of T. E. Lawrence and His Brothers. [Edited by M. R. Lawrence.] Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1954. (Important for the early years from 1906-1918; some expurgations by the editor.]
- Lawrence, Arnold W., ed. Letters to T. E. Lawrence. London: Jonathan Cape, 1962.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Letters from T. E. Lawrence to E. T. Leeds. Edited by Jeremy Wilson. Andoversford: Whittington Press, 1988.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Letters of T. E. Lawrence. Selected and edited by Malcolm Brown. London: Dent, 1988. Corrected edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. (A very good one-volume edition, supplements Garnetts one.)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. The Correspondence with Henry Williamson. Edited by Peter Wilson. Fordingbridge: Castle Hill Press, 2000.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Correspondence with Bernard and Charlotte Shaw, 1922-1926. [T. E. Lawrence, Letters, volume I] Edited by Jeremy and Nicole Wilson. Fordingbridge: Castle Hill Press, 2000.
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward. Correspondence with Bernard and Charlotte Shaw, 1927. [T. E. Lawrence, Letters, volume II] Edited by Jeremy and Nicole Wilson. Fordingbridge: Castle Hill Press, 2003.