Self-adjoint operator

In mathematics, a self-adjoint operator is a densely defined linear operator mapping a complex Hilbert space onto itself and which is invariant under the unary operation of taking the adjoint. That is, if is an operator with a domain which is a dense subspace of a complex Hilbert space then it is self-adjoint if , where denotes the adjoint. Note that the adjoint of any densely defined linear operator is always well-defined and two operators A and B are said to be equal if they have a common domain and their values coincide on that domain.
On an infinite dimensional Hilbert space, a self-adjoint operator can be thought of as the analogy of a real symmetric matrix (i.e., a matrix which is its own transpose) or a Hermitian matrix in (i.e., a matrix which is its own Hermitian transpose) when these matrices are viewed as (bounded) linear operators on and , respectively.
- K. Yosida, Functional Analysis (6 ed.), ser. Classics in Mathematics, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1980