Eristicophis/Related Articles

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< Eristicophis
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Eristicophis.
See also changes related to Eristicophis, or pages that link to Eristicophis or to this page or whose text contains "Eristicophis".

Parent topics

  • Viperinae [r]: (Pitless vipers, true vipers, Old World vipers); a subfamily of venomous vipers found in Europe, Asia and Africa, distinguished by their lack of the heat-sensing pit organs that characterize their sister group, the Crotalinae. [e]


  • Snakebite [r]: Wound resulting from penetration of the flesh by the fangs or teeth of a snake. [e]

Other related topics

Bot-suggested topics

Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Eristicophis. Needs checking by a human.

  • Dorsal scales [r]: Longitudinal series of plates that encircle the body, but do not include the ventral scales on snakes. [e]
  • Echis [r]: Quick-tempered viper genus of Africa, the Middle East, India and Sri Lanka that produce hemotoxic venom. [e]
  • Rostral scale [r]: Median plate on the tip of the snout that borders the mouth opening, in snakes and other scaled reptiles. [e]
  • Systematics [r]: The study of the diversity of organism characteristics, and how they relate via evolution. [e]
  • Ventral scales [r]: Enlarged and transversely elongated scales in snakes, that extend down the underside of the body from the neck to the anal scale. [e]