Academic journal/Related Articles

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< Academic journal
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Academic journal.
See also changes related to Academic journal, or pages that link to Academic journal or to this page or whose text contains "Academic journal".

Parent topics

  • Higher education [r]: Please do not use this term in your topic list, because there is no single article for it. Please substitute a more precise term. See higher education (disambiguation) for a list of available, more precise, topics. Please add a new usage if needed.


  • Scientific journal [r]: A publication venue for original research and scholarly review articles — for more than three centuries on paper and now increasingly online. [e]

Other related topics

  • Research peer review [r]: Evaluation by experts of the quality and pertinence of research or research proposals of other experts in the same field. [e]
  • Impact factor [r]: A widely used annual measure of how often the papers recently published in an academic journal have been cited in the academic literature. [e]
  • Open access [r]: The free, immediate online access to the results of research, coupled with the right to use those results in new and innovative ways. [e]

Academic databases

  • Cambridge journals [r]: The e-publishing service for over 230 journals published by Cambridge University Press. [e]
  • EBSCO [r]: Privately-held American corporation that manufactures various products (such as fishing lures) and is best known for electronic publishing for libraries. [e]
  • History Cooperative [r]: A nonprofit humanities database resource offering top-level online history scholarship. [e]
  • JSTOR [r]: A United States-based online system for archiving academic journals, founded in 1995. [e]
  • OCLC [r]: A nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization, founded in 1967 as the Ohio College Library Center. [e]

  • Oxford University Press [r]: Major international publisher of scholarly books, journals and reference works. [e]
  • ProQuest [r]: An Ann Arbor, Michigan-based electronic and microfilm publisher, providing archives of sources such as newspapers, periodicals, dissertations, and aggregated databases of many types. [e]
  • Project Muse [r]: A subscription-based academic journals site operated by the Johns Hopkins University Press. [e]
  • Questia [r]: An online commercial digital library of books and articles with an academic orientation. [e]