
A paraphilia[1] is a sexual desire or behaviour which involves an unusual source of gratification. A paraphilia beocmes pathological when the person's central focus is the chosen object without which the person cannot become aroused or be sexually gratified. As with everything in abnormal psychology, acceptable sexual behaviours are dictated by sexual norms that change over time and differ between cultures. For example, Richard von Krafft-Ebing's psychiatric text on sex Psychopathia Sexualis declared masturbation as psychologically damaging since it disrupted developing normal erotic instincts and led to homosexuality.[2] Similarly, the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual considered sexual interest towards people of the same sex, or towards sexual acts not associated with sexual intercourse as disordered.[3] Masturbation and homosexuality are currently considered as normal behaviours, and do appear in the DSM.
Some paraphilias are criminal offenses, such as child molestation and rape, while others are merely frowned upon or may bring shame and ridicule upon an individual if discovered. Some paraphilias cause harm to others, while others are victimless, such as fetishism.
This article will present sexual behaviours that are currently considered abnormal.
Exhibitionism is sexual gratification by displaying one's genitals to an involuntary observer. Such acts have been thought to be committed by shy and submissive men who have not
Festishism is sexual gratification gained by relying on an inanimate object or a body part (to the exclusion of the person as a whole) for sexual gratification.
Voyeurism is seuxal gratification through covertly observing another people's sexual activities or anatomy.
Voyeurism is an example of a spectrum disorder, as advertisements in the media have sexually charged material which may be considered "normal voyeurism." It is certainly
Viewing pornography
- ↑ From the Greek words para - beside, and philia - love.
- ↑ Richard Von KrafftEbing. Psychopathia Sexualis. Arcade Publishing. ISBN 1-55970-425-X. The book's title is Latin for "Sexual Psychopathology"
- ↑ (1968) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-II. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.