
Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic (Spanish: República Argentina), is a country in South America. With a total surface area of 2,766,890 km² (1,078,000 sq mi), it is the second largest country in the continent, next to Brazil, and eighth largest in the world. It is bordered by Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. It is a federal republic, currently lead by President Néstor Kirchner since May 25, 2003, and will be succeeded on December 10, 2007, by his wife, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Its official language is Spanish. It has a total population of 40,301,927, as of a July 2007 estimate, making it the 30th country in the world by population. Its currency is the Argentine peso, issued by the Central Bank of Argentina. It is divided in 23 provinces and its capital and largest city, Buenos Aires. It gained its independence from Spain in July 9, 1816.
- Brown, Jonathan C. A Brief History of Argentina. Facts on File, 2003. 324 pp.
- DellaPaolera, Geraldo and Taylor, Alan M., eds. A New Economic History of Argentina. Cambridge U. Press, 2003. 397 pp
- Lewis, Colin M. Argentina: A Short History. Oxford: Oneworld, 2002. 260 pp.
- Lewis, Daniel K. The History of Argentina. Greenwood, 2001. 214 pp.
- Nouzeilles, Gabriela and Montaldo, Graciela, eds. The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Duke U. Press, 2002. 536 pp.
- Rapoport, Mario; Madrid, Eduardo; Musacchio, Andrés; and Vicente, Ricardo. Historia Económica, Política y Social de la Argentina (1880-2000) Buenos Aires: Macchi, 2000. 1148 pp.
- Romero, Luis Alberto. A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century. Pennsylvania State U. Press, 2002. 370 pp.
Political and economic conditions
- Amaral, Samuel. The Rise of Capitalism on the Pampas: The Estancias of Buenos Aires, 1785-1870. Cambridge U. Press, 1998. 359 pp.
- Blustein, Paul. And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the Bankrupting of Argentina. PublicAffairs, 2005. 278 pp.
- Boyce, D. George. The Falklands War. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 246 pp.
- Cleary, Matthew R. and Stokes, Susan C. Democracy and the Culture of Skepticism: Political Trust in Argentina and Mexico. Russell Sage Foundation, 2006. 244 pp.
- Corrales, Javier. Presidents without Parties: The Politics of Economic Reform in Argentina and Venezuela in the 1990s. Pennsylvania State U. Press, 2002. 364 pp.
- DeVoto, Fernando J. and Fausto, Boris. Brasil e Argentina: Um Ensaio de História Comparada: 1850-2002 [Brazil and Argentina: an essay in comparative history, 1850-2002]. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2004. 574 pp.
- García Martínez, Bernardo and González Jácome, Alba, eds. Estudios sobre Historia y Ambiente en América. Vol. 1: Argentina, Bolivia, México, Paraguay [Studies on history and environment in America.] Mexico City: Colegio de México, 1999. 296 pp.
- Helmke, Gretchen. Courts under Constraints: Judges, Generals, and Presidents in Argentina. Cambridge U. Press, 2005. 221 pp.
- Hora, Roy. The Landowners of the Argentine Pampas: A Social and Political History, 1860-1945. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 264 pp.
- Levitsky, Steven and Murillo, María Victoria, ed. Argentine Democracy: The Politics of Institutional Weakness. Pennsylvania State U. Press, 2006. 325 pp.
- MacLachlan, Colin M. Argentina: What Went Wrong. Praeger, 2006. 221 pp.
- Pang, Eul-Soo. The International Political Economy of Transformation in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile since 1960. Palgrave, 2002. 251 pp.
- Robben, Antonius C. G. M. Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina. U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. 467 pp.
- Rocchi, Fernando. Chimneys in the Desert: Industrialization in Argentina during the Export Boom Years, 1870-1930. Stanford U. Press, 2006. 394 pp.
- Rock, David. State Formation and Political Movements in Argentina, 1860-1916. Stanford U. Press, 2002. 316 pp.
- Spektorowski, Alberto. The Origins of Argentina's Revolution of the Right. U. of Notre Dame Press, 2003. 280 pp.
Cultural and social
- Baily, Samuel L. Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires and New York City, 1870-1814. Cornell U. Press, 1999. 308 pp.
- Baim, Jo. Tango: Creation of a Cultural Icon. Indiana U. Press, 2007. 232 pp.
- Fares, Gustavo and Hermann, Eliana C., eds. Contemporary Argentinean Women Writers: A Critical Anthology. U. Press of Florida, 1998. 260 pp.
- Garth, Todd S. The Self of the City: Macedonio Fernández, the Argentine Avant-Garde, and Modernity in Buenos Aires. Bucknell U. Press, 2005. 236 pp.
- Gordillo, Gastón R. Landscapes of Devils: Tensions of Place and Memory in the Argentinean Chaco. Duke U. Press, 2005. 304 pp.
- Miller, Elmer S., ed. Peoples of Gran Chaco. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey, 1999. 166 pp.
- Moya, José C. Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930. U. of California Press, 1998. 567 pp.
- Plotkin, Mariano Ben. Mañana Es San Perón: A Cultural History of Perón's Argentina. Scholarly Resources, 2003. 262 pp.
- Thompson, Robert Farris. Tango: The Art History of Love.' Pantheon, 2005. 360 pp.
- The United States Central Intelligence Agency. Argentina. Retreived on November 27, 2007.