
Writing is a general term for marking or recording an idea, information, data, or concept onto a medium which is created for that exact purpose. Although, there are instances where writing does occur on a surface that was not necessarily intended to be written upon: graffiti for example is the act of "writing" on a public surface, usually in spray paint. Graffiti is not limited to paint, but can occur in pen, pencil, marker, chalk, or other implement.
In the history of literature, there are a number of writers who have made themselves popular for the kinds of subjects they write about or how they write. William Shakespere, for example was a famous writer of stage plays. Stephen King is a writer known for his writing of suspense and horror novels. Shel Silvenstein is a known writer and poet of books for children.
History of Writing
Some of the earliest known works date back to civilizations that had an alphabet, in which they formed words and sounds to convey a subject or idea. The egyptians, the aztecs, the greeks, and the romans all had a system of letters and numbers which they used for this purpose, although the roman alphabet or latin alphabet became a de-facto standard for many "romance" languages that exist today(french, spanish, italian to name a few).