Talk:Vitamin K

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Revision as of 00:12, 4 March 2009 by imported>Supten Sarbadhikari
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 Definition It denotes a group of 2-methilo-naphthoquinone derivatives that acts as a lipid co-factor for hemostasis. [d] [e]
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Structures of Vitamin K wrong

By my textbooks (1974 & 1983) the structure of Vitamine K2 is wrong. The repeating part should have n=6, and the double bond within the repeat is missing. I think vitamin K1 might be missing a non-repeating methylene just before the repeating part starts. Can anyone verify that for me? David E. Volk 16:02, 12 October 2007 (CDT)

Material posted in Vitamin k page

How much needs to be moved here? Supten Sarbadhikari 05:12, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

In biochemistry and medicine, vitamin K is an essential nutrient that is "lipid cofactor that is required for normal blood clotting. Several forms of vitamin K have been identified: vitamin K 1 (vitamin K 1) derived from plants, vitamin K 2 (menaquinone) from bacteria, and synthetic naphthoquinone provitamins, vitamin K 3 (menadione). Vitamin K 3 provitamins, after being alkylated in vivo, exhibit the antifibrinolytic activity of vitamin K. Green leafy vegetables, liver, cheese, butter, and egg yolk are good sources of vitamin K."[1] Vitamin K 1 is also called phytonadione.

In medicine, vitamin K is used to both reverse the effects and steady the effects of warfarin.


External links

The most up-to-date information about Vitamin K and other drugs can be found at the following sites.