
Media can be described as mass communication. One entity wants to communicate one or more messages to an audience and does this through media. Media can be found in many different forms: newspapers, radio, TV, Internet and print media are some of them.
To define the first media expressions is a difficult task. Man has allways tried to communicate with its surroundings. In the stone age humans carved their stories in stone. These stories are seen by people today, and has achieved the goal of communicating its message to a vast audience. Through the ages the method of communicating through written signs, has developed to letters. And the methods of writing and distributing has been refined.
The first appearance of the media in the modern world was the introduction of the press, and the following news papers. Although newspapers are claimed to have existed since 59 B.C., the possibility to distribute large quantities of newspapers came with the introduction of the press. The printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg in 1447. This started an expansive growth of newsletters, a one page newspaper. Although these had few of the things we characterize as good journalism today, they made the first steps of media as we know it today.