Cuban Missile Crisis/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Cuban Missile Crisis.
See also changes related to Cuban Missile Crisis, or pages that link to Cuban Missile Crisis or to this page or whose text contains "Cuban Missile Crisis".

Parent topics

  • Cold War [r]: Geostrategic, economic and ideological struggle from about 1947 to 1991 between the Soviet Union and the United States and their allies. [e]
  • Cuba [r]: a Communist state made up of a number of islands in the Caribbean. [e]


Politicomilitary doctrine

  • Deterrence [r]: A set of policies and actions that prevent an opponent from taking an undesired action [e]
  • Compellence [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Naval blockade [r]: A declared action by a naval power, considered an act of war in international law, in which it prevents shipping, other than certain categories of humanitarian aid, from reaching the ports of the blockaded country [e]

Communist forces

Communist personnel

U.S. forces

U.S. personnel

U.S. support

Other related topics

Retrospective analysis