Georgette Heyer/Works

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A list of some works of Georgette Heyer.

Georgette Heyer Novels set in the Georgian period

No. Title Year Plot summary Notes  
1 The Black Moth 1921 summary    
2 The Transformation of Philip Jettan 1923 summary later republished as "Powder and Patch"  
3 These Old Shades 1926 summary    
4 The Masqueraders 1928 summary    
5 Devil's Cub 1932 summary shares some characters with "These Old Shades"  
6 title firstpub summary    
7 title firstpub summary    
8 title firstpub summary    
9 title firstpub summary    
10 title firstpub summary    
11 title firstpub summary    
12 title firstpub summary