Fish/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Fish.
See also changes related to Fish, or pages that link to Fish or to this page or whose text contains "Fish".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti [r]: A subspecies of the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) found east of the Mississippi River. [e]
  • Commercial fishing [r]: The harvesting of edible marine life on a commercial basis, usually using purpose-built vessels and equipment [e]
  • Cryoprotectant [r]: A substance that protects biological tissue from freezing damage. [e]
  • Ectothermy [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Food [r]: Any edible substance ingested (eaten) by living creatures for the purpose of obtaining energy and nutrients and so sustaining life. [e]
  • Pet [r]: Particularly cherished or indulged companion animal. [e]
  • Recipe [r]: A set of instructions for cooking a particular dish of food. [e]
  • Sushi [r]: (寿司, 鮓 or 鮨) any food made with vinegared rice in Japanese cuisine; may include raw or cooked vegetables, raw fish (刺身 sashimi) or other ingredients, and is typically served with soy sauce and wasabi (わさび or 山葵). [e]