Aluminium trichloride

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(PD) Image: David E. Volk
AlCl3, a Lewis acid.
Aluminium trichloride
IUPAC name: trichloroalumane
Synonyms: aluminium chloride,
Formula: AlCl3

 Uses: catalyst, astringent

 Properties: pyrophoric Lewis acid

 Hazards: spontaneously ignites in air

Mass (g/mol): CAS #:
133.340538 79156-75-5

Aluminium trichloride, AlCl3, is an important industrial chemical catalyst, especially for polymerization reactions. It is a pyrophoric Lewis acid chemical compound which instantly ignites when it is exposed to air. It is a highly reactive compound that can also be used as a chemical promoter in chelation-controlled reactions. It is also an astringent, used medically for athlete's foot hyperhidrosis therapy.[1]
