Ben Salomon/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Ben Salomon.
See also changes related to Ben Salomon, or pages that link to Ben Salomon or to this page or whose text contains "Ben Salomon".

Parent topics

  • Battle of Saipan [r]: Fought between 15 June 1944 and 8 July 1944, the U.S. capture of an island regarded by the Japanese as a key part of their innermost defensive line; caused the fall of the Tojo Government and its replacement with a less pro-war Prime Minister; became the first island base allowing significant attacks on Japan by B-29 long-range bombers [e]
  • Geneva Conventions [r]: For international law, the principal group of treaties addressing humanitarian aspects of war [e]
  • Laws of Land Warfare [r]: Both the title of a specific U.S. Army manual, as well as a term in customary international law, for acceptable battlefield conduct [e]


Other related topics

  • Guy Gabaldon [r]: A U.S. Marine who, at the Battle of Saipan, used the colloquial Japanese learned in his teens to convince 1,500 Japanese troops and civilians both to surrender and not to commit suicide [e]