Recovered memory/External Links

- Please sort and annotate in a user-friendly manner and consider archiving the URLs behind the links you provide. See also related web sources.
- Corroboration of Child Abuse Memories
- Forgetting and Recovering the Unforgettable. Psychological Science - Volume 19, Number 5 - May 2008
- Recovered Memory Project
- Research discussing corroboration and accuracy of recovered memories: An Annotated Bibliography
- Research Reveals Brain Has Biological Mechanism To Block Unwanted Memories
- The Leadership Council - Trauma and Memory
- Videotaped Discovery of a Reportedly Unrecallable Memory of Child Sexual Abuse
- What about Recovered Memories? Jennifer J. Freyd
- Loftus, E.F. & Pickrell, J.E. (1995) The Formation of False Memories Psychiatric Annals 25:720-5.
- False Memory Syndrome Foundation
- Remembering Dangerously Skeptical Inquirer magazine : March/April 1995
- Recovered Memories": Recent Events and Review of EvidenceAn Interview with HARRISON G. POPE Jr., M.D. Currents in Affective IllnessXIII (7), July 1994, 5-12
- Study shows how false memories rerun 7/7 film that never existed. James Randerson, science correspondent The Guardian, Wednesday 10 September 2008
Professional Guidelines
American Medical Association (Council on Scientific Affairs)
- 'Scientific Status of Refreshing Recollection by the Use of Hypnosis' (1985)
- 'Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse'. (1994)
American Psychiatric Association
- 'Statement on Memories of Sexual Abuse'. 1993
Australian Psychological Society
- 'Limited Guidelines Relating to the Reporting of Recovered Memories'. (1994)
British Psychological Society
- 'Recovered Memories: The report of the working party of the British Psychological Society.' (1995)
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
- 'Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis. (1995)
Michigan Psychological Association
- 'Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: MPA Position Paper.' (1995)
American Psychological Association
'Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse'. (1995)
Canadian Psychiatric Association
- 'Position Statement on Adult Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse. (1996)
American Psychological Association
- 'Working Group on Investigation of Memories of Child Abuse'. (1996)
National Association of Social Workers
- 'Evaluation and Treatment of Adults with the Possibility of Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse'. (1996)
Canadian Psychological Association
'Guidelines for Psychologists Addressing Recovered Memories'. (1996)
British Association for Counselling
- 'False Memory Syndrome: A Statement'. (1997)
Royal College of Psychiatrists
- 'Reported Recovered Memories of Child Sexual Abuse'. (1997)
Scientific Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation
- Statement.
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 'Childhood Trauma Remembered: A report on the current scientific knowledge base and its applications.' (1998)
The International Society for the Study of Dissociation
'Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) in Adults.' (1994) (includes a section on "Veracity of the patient's memories of child abuse.")