Belt (clothing)/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Belt (clothing).
See also changes related to Belt (clothing), or pages that link to Belt (clothing) or to this page or whose text contains "Belt (clothing)".

Parent topics

  • Pants [r]: An outerwear, lower body garment consisting of a separate tube-like covering for each leg joined together about the hips and waist. [e]
  • Trousers [r]: An outerwear, lower body garment consisting of a separate tube-like covering for each leg joined together about the hips and waist. [e]
  • Fashion [r]: Add brief definition or description


Other related topics

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Grinding tool [r]: A basic hand or stationary tool that uses an abrasive to form or sharpen materials [e]
  • Two-Face [r]: Fictional supervillain that appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and is an enemy of Batman. [e]
  • Logic [r]: The study of the standards and practices of correct argumentation. [e]