Interest group/Related Articles: Difference between revisions

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imported>Howard C. Berkowitz
imported>Howard C. Berkowitz
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==Parent topics==
==Parent topics==

{{r|Civil society}}
{{r|Civil society}}
==Specific interest groups==
==Specific interest groups==
{{r|Aish HaTorah}}
{{r|Aish HaTorah}}
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{{r|Free Exchange on Campus}}
{{r|Free Exchange on Campus}}
{{r|Freedom House}}
{{r|Freedom House}}
{{r|Hasbara Speakers Bureau}}
{{r|Hasbara|Hasbara Speakers Bureau}}
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==Other related topics==
==Other related topics==
{{r|The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy}}
{{r|The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy}}
{{r|Political party}}

Revision as of 08:47, 1 February 2010

This article is a stub and thus not approved.
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Interest group.
See also changes related to Interest group, or pages that link to Interest group or to this page or whose text contains "Interest group".

Parent topics


  • Conservatism [r]: A concept of political theory used as a shortcut to refer to a wide swath of people who allegedly hold similar values. The conservative ideal does not really exist, as no two people would likely define it exactly the same. Generalizations often made about conservatives may include that they wish to limit social change, preserve traditional family values, abhor homosexuality, revere the military and exhibit staunch patriotism for their country, believe in fiscal restraint, decry foreign immigration, and do not wish to fund support for people in need on grounds that they must be lazy. [e]
  • Education [r]: Learning, teaching, research and scholarship activities for the purpose of organizing, presenting and acquiring knowledge, skills or social norms. [e]
  • Liberalism [r]: Economic and political doctrine advocating free enterprise, free competition and free will. A shortcut word grouping a swath of people who allegedly hold similar values. The liberal ideal does not really exist, as no two people would likely define it exactly the same. Some of the generalizations that people make about liberals include that they are open to social change, not tied to traditional family values, not militaristic, lacking in fiscal restraint, and socially tolerant. [e]
  • Progressivism [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Zionism [r]: The ideology that Jews should form a Jewish state in what is traced as the Biblical area of Palestine; there are many interpretations, including the boundaries of such a state and its criteria for citizenship [e]

Specific interest groups


Other related topics