Free will/Related Articles: Difference between revisions

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imported>John R. Brews
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Revision as of 15:30, 14 October 2013

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Free will.
See also changes related to Free will, or pages that link to Free will or to this page or whose text contains "Free will".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Awareness [r]: A state of readiness regarding monitoring of oneself or one's immediate environment by sensory perception, including the five senses; paying attention. [e]
  • Behaviorism [r]: A major branch of psychology, started by Ivan Pavlov, which characterizes behavior in terms of stimuli and responses [e]
  • Brain [r]: The core unit of a central nervous system. [e]
  • Cognition [r]: The central nervous system's processing of information relevant to interacting with itself and its internal and external environment. [e]
  • Consciousness [r]: Sense of awareness of self and of the environment. [e]
  • Memory [r]: The cognitive processes that lead to the retaining and recalling of past experience. [e]
  • Model-dependent realism [r]: A philosophical position that all we can know about reality consists of networks of world pictures that explain observations by connecting them by rules to concepts defined in models. [e]
  • Neuroscience [r]: The study of nervous systems and their components. [e]
  • Perception [r]: The reception of information by the nervous system. [e]
  • Reality [r]: Various concepts in philosophy and science presenting diverse views of what categories of entities, if any, do or do not qualify as existing absolutely, self-sufficiently and objectively irrespective of human presence. [e]
  • Stoicism [r]: School of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens, in the early 3rd century BC, who believed destructive emotions to be the result of errors in judgment, and that a sage, or person of 'moral and intellectual perfection,' would not undergo such emotions. [e]

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