Catalan Countries: Difference between revisions

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imported>Domergue Sumien
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imported>Hayford Peirce
m (Catalan Countries moved to Catalan countries: CZ convention is not to use a Capital except on the first word and on proper nouns or adjectives in the article's title and lede sentence)

Revision as of 10:09, 5 May 2009

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The Catalan Countries (in Catalan: Països Catalans, abbreviated PPCC) are a cultural country of South West Europe where Catalan is the native language and where the Catalan culture is autochtonous. They include approximately the following territories:

The exact definition of the Catalan Countries varies according to the criteria followed:

  • According to stricty linguistic criteria, some non-Catalan-speaking areas may be not included the Catalans Countries. These are the Occitan area of the Fenouillèdes in the Pyrénées-Orientales, the Occitan area of Aran Valley in Catalonia and the peripherical, Spanish-speaking areas of the Valencian Country.
  • Though, according to administrative criteria, some Catalan activists think that those Occitan and Spanish-speaking areas should be seen as parts of the Catalan Countries, but not the enclave of Alghero which they consider too remote.

Some Catalan activists propose to call Catalonia (Catalunya) the whole of the Catalan Countries.