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A '''Benign tumour''' (or '''benign tumor''') is a non-malignant [[tumour]] that stays in a constant (or almost constant) state: it doesn't grow aggressively, attack the surrounding tissue or spread to other organs in the body.
A '''benign tumour''' (or '''benign tumor''') is a non-[[malignant]] [[tumour]] that stays in a constant (or almost constant) state: it doesn't grow aggressively, attack the surrounding tissue or spread to other organs in the body.[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 17:01, 17 July 2024

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A benign tumour (or benign tumor) is a non-malignant tumour that stays in a constant (or almost constant) state: it doesn't grow aggressively, attack the surrounding tissue or spread to other organs in the body.