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[[Image:Karl Marx.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Karl Marx. {{PD-anon-photo}}]]
'''Karl Marx''' (1818-1883) was the most important of all [[Socialism|socialist]] thinkers and the creator of a system of thought
{{Image|Karl Marx.jpg|right|200px|Karl Marx.}}
called [[Marxism]], and the political system called [[Communism]]. He helped organize the international socialist movement. His ideas motivated radical political activists who joined his call to overthrow [[capitalism]]. [[Marxism]], reduced to the theory that all events are caused by economic self-interest, had a strong influence on many areas of thought from politics to history to literature, although it cut rather little swath in the discipline of economics itself.
'''Karl Marx''' (1818-1883) is generally thought of as the co-founder, with [[Friedrich Engels]], of the political movement known as [[communism]]. He made historically significant contributions to the intellectual disciplines of [[philosophy]], [[economics]], [[politics]] and [[historicism]]. Of his many written contributions to those disciplines, the best-known is the three-volume "Das Kapital", and he was co-author, with Engels, of the [[/Addendum#Communist Manifesto|Communist Manifesto]]. Their slogan "workers of the world unite" became the rallying calls for revolutionary movements including Russia's [[Russian Revolution|Bolshevik Revolution of 1917]] and the [[Chinese Revolution (1949)|Chinese Revolution of 1949]]; and Marx's advocacy of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" has been the inspiration of communist parties throughout the world.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born into a happy, wealthy middle-class home in the Rhineland city of Trier, in Germany. On both sides of his family, he came from a long line of Jewish rabbis; but his father Heinrich Marx (1782-1838), an intellectual and highly respected lawyer, and family converted to Lutheranism in 1824. Marx received a good classical education; at age 17, he spent a year in the University of Bonn's law faculty and soaked up its cultural romanticism. At age 18 he became engaged to aristocratic Jenny von Westphalen (1814-1881), daughter of Baron von Westphalen, a prominent member of Trier society, grandaughter of a famous general, and also descended from Scottish nobility. She interested Marx in romantic literature and in the utopian socialist Saint-Simonian movement.
Karl Marx underwent a transition from academic theoretician to political activist - leaving an influential legacy in both fields. As a
student of philosophy he accepted the tenets of traditional [[humanism]], but he later developed his own interpretation in which religion is a response to hardship, and one that is destined to survive until its cause is removed. He sought an explanation for working class hardships in the theories of [[History of economic thought#Classical Economics|classical economics]] and developed his own analysis which concluded  that [[capitalism]] deprives working people of all of the fruits of their [[labour]] beyond the amounts necessary for their subsistence. His analysis of historicism led him to the conclusion that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction, and that its overthrow would happen first where the development of capitalism was most advanced. His political theories were concerned with the processes by which capitalism could be replaced by a system governed by the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". As a political activist, he played a major part in the promotion of [[communism]], and was a founder member of the [[Communist League]] (later to become the [[Communist International]]). His intellectual legacy was globally influential despite the development of a consensus among academic economists that his economic analysis was flawed. His political proposals were taken up and developed by [[Lenin]] and others, and were the inspiration of Russia's [[Bolshevism|Bolshevik]] Revolution and of communist revolutions in China, Cuba and elsewhere.

===Intellectual roots===
==Life and works==
In 1836 Marx transferred to the University of Berlin, at the time the foremost scholarly center in the world. He abandoned his superficial romanticism and came under the influence of the philosophy of the recently deceased [[G. W. F. Hegel]]. which dominated German thought.  Lectures were less important than long conversations with Young Hegelian intellectuals, notably Bruno Bauer; they sought to use Hegelianism to battle the German religious, political, and philosophical status quo. After completing his doctoral thesis (which dealt with the atomic theories of Democritus and Epicurus), Marx at first hoped to obtain teaching post. When Bauer was dismissed for unorthodoxy in 1842, Marx turned to journalism and began writing for the ''Rheinische Zeitung,'' an opposition daily backed by liberal Rhenish industrialists. He soon became its editor, but the paper was closed by the authorities in May 1843, following an expose by Marx of the miserable poverty of farm workers in the Moselle vinyards, a piece of work that led him, as his friend [[Friedrich Engels]] later said, "from pure politics to economic relationships and so to socialism."
:''(Additional links are available in the detailed chronology on the [[/Timelines|timelines subpage]])''<br>
Karl Heinrich Marx was born into a  middle-class home in the Rhineland city of Trier, in Germany. He came, on both sides of his family,  from a long line of Jewish rabbis, but his family converted to Lutheranism in 1824.  Marx received a classical education and at the  age of  17 he spent a year in the University of Bonn's law faculty. At age 18 he became engaged to  Jenny von Westphalen (1814-1881), daughter of Baron von Westphalen, a prominent member of Trier society. In 1836 Marx transferred to the University of Berlin and came under the influence of the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel which then dominated the movement known as [[The German Ideology|German Idealism]]. After completing his doctoral thesis (which dealt with the atomic theories of Democritus and Epicurus), he turned to journalism and began writing for the ''Rheinische Zeitung,'' an opposition daily backed by liberal Rhenish industrialists. He soon became its editor, but the paper was closed by the authorities in May 1843 and he moved to Paris. Married to Jenny von Westphalen, he recorded his departure  from Hegel's thesis in his  "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", in which he refers to religion as "the opium of the people". In Paris he developed what was to be a life-long association with Friedrich Engels, and set out his thoughts about communism in what are now known as "the Paris manuscripts". Expelled from France, he moved to Brussels and recorded his  developing philosophical thoughts in his "Theses on Feuerbach". Expelled from France he moved to Brussels and recorded his developing philosophical views in his "Theses on Feuerbach".  In 1846 Marx wrote [[The German Ideology]] with Engels, a text which lays the foundation for [[/Addendum#The Communist Manifesto|The Communist Manifesto]]. Returning to France on the news of the (unsuccessful) revolution of 1848, he began work on a series of pamphlets on "the class struggles in France" and in 1848, he and Friedrich Engels published the "Communist Manifesto". After moving to London in 1849 he devoted years of endeavour to his major work: "Das Kapital". Throughout the latter years of his life until his death in 1883, he was an active supporter of the Communist League, that was later to become the Communist International.

[[Ludwig Feuerbach]] (1804-72) in his 1841 book ''The Essence of Christianity'' strongly influenced Marx, who responded with "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law. Introduction (1843-44), which includes his famous line that "religion is the opium of the masses." Marx wanted freedom ''from'' religion, claiming there would no longer be a need for it once socialism succeeded.
[[Image:Karl Marx grave.jpg|right|thumb|250px|{{#ifexist:Template:Karl Marx grave.jpg/credit|{{Karl Marx grave.jpg/credit}}<br/>|}}Grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery, [[London, United Kingdom|London]]]]

In 1843, Marx married Jenny von Westphalen and composed a lengthy manuscript definitely rejecting Hegel's apologia for contemporary German politics. Unemployable in Germany, Marx decided to emigrate to Paris.
== Theoretical contributions==
:''(Links to Marx's major works are available on the [[/Works|Works subpage]])''
=== Philosophy===
Marx was influenced by the  German ideology of the 18th century and early 19th centuries, and in particular by  Ludwig Feuerbach's
<ref>[http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ludwig-feuerbach/ ''Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach'' Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, July 2007]</ref> humanist contention that man has invented God in his own image<ref> Ludwig Feuerbach: ''The Essence of Christianity'', (1854)  Prometheus Books, 1989</ref>. He accepted that man had invented God, but argued  he had done so in order to deaden the pain of the  poverty-stricken misery of life on earth<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/critique-hpr/index.htm  Karl Marx: ''Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right'' (ebook)]</ref>.  He was not content with a philosophy that deals only in beliefs and ideals, arguing that it should seek a reasoned explanation of the physical interactions between man and his environment.  He considered  existing explanations to be inadequate, and his own  search for an explanation led him to adapt the teachings of the [[History of economic thought#Classical economics|classical economists]] and to  develop the historicist teachings of the [[The German Ideology|German ideologists]]. He became convinced that intolerable hardship is an inherent characteristic of [[capitalism]] and that it could be overcome only by its replacement by the version of [[communism]] that he and Friedrich Engels set out in the [[/Addendum#Communist Manifesto|Communist Manifesto]]. He also became convinced that the historical development of capitalism would lead ultimately to its collapse, and that the [[state]] would then be replaced by an undefined form of social [[governance]] that he termed "the dictatorship of the proletariat". The hastening of that outcome became his main objective and he turned away from philosophy on the grounds that, as he put it, "philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.''<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/theses/index.htm Karl Marx: ''Theses On Feuerbach'', paragraph 11, (1845) (ebook)]</ref>.

===Paris and Brussels===
=== Economics===
In Paris Marx discovered a hothouse of innumerable socialist sects. A proposed journal collapsed, and he plunged into a program of exhasutive readfing in politics, history and economics. In 1844 Marx composed a series of treatises known as the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts" or "Paris Manuscripts," in which he finally espoused "communism". He began a lifelong friendship and collaboration with
Karl Marx used the classical economics concepts of [[use value]] and [[exchange value]] to construct a labour theory of value in which the exchange value of a commodity  is determined  by the time required for its production<ref>He actually said it was the "socially necessary time", by which he meant the time taken by a typical worker</ref>. His theory treats labour as a commodity whose exchange value (or cost to the capitalist employer) to be the value of the goods necessary for its supplier's subsistence, and takes the  use value of of labour (to its employer) to be the value of what its supplier  produces. The capitalist employer's profit is taken to be the excess of the use value of labour over its exchange value: an excess which is termed "surplus value". Using those propositions as axioms, Marx made extensive  use of logical  [[deduction]] to construct a comprehensive theory of the economics of capitalism, which he published    as "Das Kapital"<ref name=Kapital>Karl Marx ''Capital''. (First published: in German in 1867 ( [http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-I.pdf ebook vol 1][http://extratorrent.com/torrent/1661590/Ebook+-+The+Capital+by+Karl+Marx+-+Volume+2.html vol 2][http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-III.pdf vol 3])</ref>.
[[Friedrich Engels]], whose father was a partner in a cotton firm in the English city of Manchester. Engels supplied Marx with a practical knowledge of the daily workings of capitalism, as well as generous cash subsidies and the one firm intellectual friendship that lasted until death.  
In it, unemployment is explained as the result of  the introduction by employers of labour-saving machinery  in response to an initial rise in the cost of labour, and it is argued that the resulting creation of a "reserve army of the unemployed" serves to stifle any continuing tendency for wages to rise. It attributes  economic growth  mainly to technical progress, and there is  a systematic attempt to explain fluctuations in economic activity in terms of capitalism's need to maintain that growth. (It is argued  that whenever  technical progress  slows down, the fall in growth leads to an accumulation of unwanted stocks of goods, producing a downturn in economic activity - until price-cutting,  in order to get rid of surpluses, put the process into reverse.) It also predicts the ultimate  demise of capitalism on the grounds that competition among capitalists will force them to accumulate more and more capital, and in so doing, to drive down the rate of profit.

On expulsion from Paris in the autumn of 1844, Marx settled (for the next three years) in Brussels, renewing his study of economics. He visited England, with Engels as his guide, and in London met the leaders of the League of the Just, a semiclandestine club of emigre German artisans. In Brussels Marx founded a network of correspondence committees to keep German,  
=== Historicism===
French, and English communists and socialists informed about each other's ideas and activities and to introduce some theoretical unity into the movement.  
As Marx (and Engels) saw it, "the history of all hitherto existing society is a history of class struggle<ref>[http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: ''The Communist Manifesto'' (ebook)]</ref>. Marx argued that social systems change with the conditions of production because  those conditions determine the way that the ruling [[Social class|classes]] can exploit the ruled. Thus, for every period of economic development, there is a corresponding class system. "The handmill gives you a society with the feudal lord; the steam-mill gives you a society with the industrial [[capitalism|capitalist]]  <ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/poverty-philosophy/index.htm ''The Poverty of Philosophy'' (ebook)]</ref>. Marx surmised that each system must have contained forces that led to its demise and replacement by a successor, and he was convinced that such was true of capitalism. He believed that, as a capitalist system approached maturity, power would  become more and more concentrated and the sufferings of the [[proletariat]] more and more intense; and that the resulting social stresses would lead to [[revolution]]. He took it for granted that such a revolution would lead to the creation of a classless, "[[socialism|socialist]]" society:
:"In history up to the present it is certainly an empirical fact that  individuals have ... become more and more enslaved under a power alien to them ... But it is just as empirically established that, by the overthrow of the existing state of society by the communist revolution .... and the abolition of private property which is identical with it, this power ... will be dissolved; and that then the liberation of each single individual will be accomplished.".<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: ''The German Ideology'' 1846 (ebook)]</ref>.

He devoured the works of economists [[Adam Smith]], [[David Ricardo]], the comte de [[Saint-Simon]], and many others. He rejected the individualistic radicalism of [[Pierre Joseph Proudhon]] and attacked him in ''The Poverty of Philosophy'' (1847), an early attempt to systematize his own thought.  
=== Politics===
Because Marx was convinced that peoples' actions are governed by the social system, and not the other way round, he did not believe that the capitalist system could be changed by political action.  The proletariat could not be freed from oppression by democratic action, but only by revolution:
:"Between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat"<ref>[[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1875/gotha/ Karl Marx: ''Critique of the Gotha Programme'', 1875  (ebook)]</ref>.
He explained the apparent inconsistency between those statements and his own rôle as a political activist in a statement in ''Das Kapital'':
: "(Society) can neither clear by bold leaps, nor remove by legal enactments, the obstacles offered by the successive phases of its normal development. But it can shorten and lessen the birth-pangs"<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/p1.htm  Karl Marx ''Capital'',  Volume One, Preface to the First German Edition (ebook)]</ref>
At no point did either Marx or Engels discuss the means by which people would contribute  "each according to his ability" and receive "each according to his needs". Engels'  much-quoted forecast of the "withering away" of the state was later qualified in correspondence:
: "Marx and I, ever since 1845, have held the view that one of the final results of the future proletarian revolution will be the gradual dissolution and ultimate disappearance of that political organisation called the State; an organisation the main object of which has been to secure, by armed force, the economical subjection of the working majority to the wealthy minority. At the same time we have always held that in order to arrive at this and the other, far more important ends of the social revolution of the future, the proletarian class will first have to possess itself of the organised political force of the state and with this aid stamp out the resistance of the capitalist class and re-organise society"<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1883/letters/83_04_18.htm Friedrich Engels in a  letter to Philip van Patten, April 18, 1883]</ref>.
Nothing is available, however, concerning the characteristics of the reorganisation that they envisaged.

By 1847 the League of the Just was conscious of a need for a more firm theoretical foundation. Marx and Engels were approached and proved eager to help. During two long congresses in London, Marx's ideas were accepted in principle by the organization, now renamed the Communist League, and Marx was commissioned to set them down in writing.
== Legacy==
:''(links to the writings of supporters, reviewers  and critics are available on the [[/Bibliography|bibliography subpage]])''
=== Intellectual impact===
Before the First World War, Marx's writings aroused few favourable responses  outside Eastern Europe. Their  enthusiastic promotion  by  Lenin was clearly a major influence upon the Russian revolutions, and their (partial) adoption as the official ideology of the Soviet Union was followed by a surge of post-war influence. In the 1920s, the Frankfurt  Group of  intellectuals <ref>[http://www.marxists.org/subject/frankfurt-school/ ''The Frankfurt School of German Intellectual and “Critical Theory”'', www.marxists.org]</ref> met to debate and disseminate Marxism, and they were later joined by the American philosopher Herbert Marcuse. 
According to the Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/sep/14/biography.history Maya Jaggi ''A question of faith'',  The Guardian, 14 September 2002]</ref>, Marxism became a serious force among intellectuals of Western Europe and the English-speaking world in the 1930s and its intellectual influence reached a peak in the 1970s, but has since declined
<ref name=hob>Eric Hobsbawm: "How to Change the World'',  Little Brown, 2011.</ref>. Marx's surviving intellectual legacy has - with minor exceptions - been confined to the discipline of philosophy. His contribution to historicism has been largely discredited as the result of the evident failure of its predictions, and his labour theory of value has not gained acceptance by academic economists. (The originality of some of his economic insights commands respect, however<ref>[http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/braddelong/Nz8hlhxt0Kz8z5aCtmg03Dd8XbowaRN2gYXGXBTE7tmnl41ao99oOjVk6ldd/20090420_Stanford_Marx.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJFZAE65UYRT34AOQ&Expires=1333657893&Signature=KAYaYm2OPaLwX8uyBBDPk7t4pCs%3D J. Bradford DeLong: ''Understanding Karl Marx'', April 20, 2009]</ref>, and he is believed to be the first economist to make a study of the trade cycle<ref>[http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/2780.pdf Claude Diebolt: ''Business Cycle Theory before Keynes'', ARACNE, 2009]</ref>.)

==Communist Manifesto==
=== Political impact===
The classic "Communist Manifesto" by Marx and Engels called for the working classes to rise in rebellion. Eric Hobsbawm has argued there was a "triumphal march" of capitalism after the European revolutions of 1848-49, which proves that Marx and Engels were completely wrong in their prognosis of the rapid intensification of class conflict and the destruction of capitalismFrom 1848-49 onward the European bourgeoisie implemented successfully various reforms that insured their hegemony and confounded the prognosis of the "Manifesto".
Marx's political legacy has been immense. Hobsbawm has noted that Marxism became the official ideology of states in which, at their peak, something like a third of the human race lived<ref name=hob/>. His teachings have also influenced the emergence of [[Socialism|socialist]] and [[Social democracy|social democratic]] movements that did not adopt Marxism as their ideology, or have since abandoned it. Their immediate impact was on the [[Communism|communist]] movement, which he and Friedrich Engels invigorated  by welding together a disparate collection of local organisations, and providing them with a coherent rationale and  an explicit set of objectives. His longer-term impact was increased by the interest taken in his writings by the politically active [[Lenin]], who was 52 years his junior and by the endorsement of Marxism by [[Joseph Stalin|Stalin]]<ref> [http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1938/09.htm Joseph Stalin, ''Dialectical and Historical Materialism'', (1938) (ebook)]</ref> and [[Mao Zedong]]<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-1/mswv1_17.htm Mao Tse-tung, ''On Contradiction'' (ebook)]</ref>. Some of his writings - and in particular  the Communist Manifesto - are familiar to millions of political activists throughout the world, and they have also  been a  major factor in the adoption of  forms  of communism by the Soviet Union, and subsequently  by the  governments of North Korea, China, Nepal, Albania, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and others.

===Revolution of 1848===
==Footnotes and references==
[[Image:Karl Marx grave.jpg|right|thumb|250px|{{#ifexist:Template:Karl Marx grave.jpg/credit|{{Karl Marx grave.jpg/credit}}<br/>|}}Grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery, [[London]]]]
{{reflist}}[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]
Just as soon as the "Communist Manifesto"  appeared, but unrelated to its publication, rebellions erupted in Europe in which workers and intellectuals, and even some members of the middle classes participated. The first of the revolutions of 1848, broke out in Paris. Marx rushed back to Paris at the invitation of the liberal provisional government that had replaced the government of King Louis Philippe. By March 1848, the revolution had reached Prussia, and in Berlin King Frederick William IV had
been compelled to grant an elected parliament, a free press, and the convening of an assembly to draw up a new constitution. Marx hurried to Cologne (part of Prussia), and resumed his journalistic activities, concentrating his energies on a new paper, the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung," which under his editorship favored an alliance between the German workers' movement and the more progressive elements of the middle class. By autumn, 1848, the revolution had been defeated in France and in the Austrian
Empire. Marx still favored such an alliance and refused to support separate working-class candidates in elections. Not until April 1849, a month before the final collapse of the revolution in Germany, did he change tactics and advocate separate working-class political action. But it was far too late. Marx returned
once again to Paris, expecting the revolution to succeed there; it did not and he was expelled in July 1849. Marx returned to London to begin his long exile.
The early years in London were characterized by grinding poverty, due quite as much to Marx's inability to manage his finances as to their inadequacy. Three of his six children died.  Three of his daughters reached maturity, as did an illegitimate son borne by the Marx family servant, a son whose true parentage remained a secret until after Engels' death. In 1856 a small legacy enabled Marx to move into a more adequate house, but what he conceived to be the necessity of keeping up appearances soon renewed
his financial difficulties. Not until 1864 did the death of his mother and a legacy from an old Communist comrade, bring him substantial relief. But as Marx's pecuniary worries receded, his health deteriorated; he was plagued by boils from head to foot. Despite these difficulties, Marx enjoyed a very warm home life. He loved to play with his children, and the week regularly culminated with a Sunday picnic accompanied by singing and recitations from Shakespeare.
Marx rejoined the Communist League and resumed his journalistic activities. But the study of economics had convinced him that "a new revolution is possible only in consequence of a new
crisis," an economic crisis.
==Marx's views==
Initially, Marx's attitudes were marked by Russophobia, pronounced anti-Pan-Slavism, and assessments of Russia as an outpost of European reaction and counterrevolution, and even as the head of a conspiracy to block the world revolution. With time, however, Marx came to consider Russia as the country in which the outbreak of the revolution was most likely. In his research for successive volumes of Capital, he read Russian theoretical works by, among others, Vasili Bervi-Flerovski and A. I. Koshelev. Marx's attitudes to the anticipated peasant revolution in Russia remained ambivalent; to a certain degree he feared its occurrence, suspecting that it could take on an "Asiatic" hue.<ref>Ewa Borowska, "Marx and Russia," ''Studies in East European Thought'' 2002 54(1-2): 87-103. ISSN: 0925-9392 
Fulltext: [[Ebsco]] </ref>
===Civil society===
Hungarian scholar László Tüto has argued that Marx believed that the bourgeois revolutions meant the worldwide historical liberation of the individual from the hierarchies of traditional societies. However, this liberation carried its own price. On the one hand, civil society and the state separated from each other in the bourgeois system, and as a result the individual became intrinsically split into a private person and a citizen of a state, two forms of existence that became opposed to each other. On the other hand, the economic freedom of private persons as members of civil society could only survive in the service of the spontaneous mechanisms of the market, that is, if people made themselves the tools of the tangible powers of the economy: goods, money, and capital. After the decline of freely competitive capitalism (into monopoly capitalism) this economic freedom was pushed into the background because of the property hierarchies. Freely competitive capitalism was characterized by the basic tendency of revolutionizing the means of production, and Marx concluded that the continuation of this tendency could only be ensured by going beyond the capitalist system to a socialist environment for civil society.
===Dictatorship of the proletariat===
The "dictatorship of the proletariat" was introduced by Marx and Engels, and later used by [[Lenin|V. I. Lenin]] and [[Joseph Stalin]] to justify their totalitarian rule. They controlled the Communist party in the Soviet Union in the name of the proletariat (which had no voice.) Marx and Engels believed in the need for such a dictatorship during the transition to communism following the takeover by the proletariat. They envisaged some undefined form of absolute sovereignty of the people in a radical democratic state based on universal and equal suffrage. Supposedly the dictatorship would allow the proletariat to abolish bureaucracy and private ownership of the means of production, using force and repressive or dictatorial methods to overcome the inevitable resistance by the bourgeoisie. Lenin, however, saw the concept in terms of a dictatorship exercised not by a democratically chosen majority but by a vanguard minority revolutionary party; he eventually accepted the need for a state bureaucracy, and his more extreme opposition to the bourgeoisie led him to favor their exclusion and disenfranchisement to the benefit of the urban working class. 
Marx's theory of alienation was often employed to criticize religious, political, and economic divisions. However, the fact that it was basically about individuals and could only with great difficulty be applied to society made it a misleading tool when used in sociology.
The ''Communist Manifesto'' was expressed in terms the 21st century calls globalization. It argued that it was the "historic mission" of the capitalist bourgeoisie to establish markets throughout the world and that four lessons could be drawn from this fact: members of the proletariat do not share the same nationality as the bourgeoisie, the proletarian "globalization" will in fact supercede that of the bourgeoisie, exploitation and class warfare will destroy the national barriers between members of the proletariat, and the proletariat has a duty to overthrow the ruling classes in each nation.
==10 Rules to Achieve Communism==
In part II of his ''Communist Manifesto'', Karl Marx laid out ten rules that he believed would be  "unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production" and "pretty generally applicable" to different countries when the "proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie"
These rules are often referred to as the "10 Planks of Socialist Communism":
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
:''"Every opinion based on scientific criticism I welcome. As to prejudices of so-called public opinion, to which I have never made concessions, now as aforetime the maxim of the great Florentine is mine:
:::“Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti.” Follow your own course, and let people talk – paraphrased from Dante"'' Karl Marx London, July 25, 1867.
:''"From the viewpoint of pure economic theory, Karl Marx can be regarded as a minor post-Ricardian"''.  [[Paul Samuelson]], The American Economic Review, March 1962, pp. 12-15

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Karl Marx.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is generally thought of as the co-founder, with Friedrich Engels, of the political movement known as communism. He made historically significant contributions to the intellectual disciplines of philosophy, economics, politics and historicism. Of his many written contributions to those disciplines, the best-known is the three-volume "Das Kapital", and he was co-author, with Engels, of the Communist Manifesto. Their slogan "workers of the world unite" became the rallying calls for revolutionary movements including Russia's Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1949; and Marx's advocacy of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" has been the inspiration of communist parties throughout the world.


Karl Marx underwent a transition from academic theoretician to political activist - leaving an influential legacy in both fields. As a student of philosophy he accepted the tenets of traditional humanism, but he later developed his own interpretation in which religion is a response to hardship, and one that is destined to survive until its cause is removed. He sought an explanation for working class hardships in the theories of classical economics and developed his own analysis which concluded that capitalism deprives working people of all of the fruits of their labour beyond the amounts necessary for their subsistence. His analysis of historicism led him to the conclusion that capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction, and that its overthrow would happen first where the development of capitalism was most advanced. His political theories were concerned with the processes by which capitalism could be replaced by a system governed by the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". As a political activist, he played a major part in the promotion of communism, and was a founder member of the Communist League (later to become the Communist International). His intellectual legacy was globally influential despite the development of a consensus among academic economists that his economic analysis was flawed. His political proposals were taken up and developed by Lenin and others, and were the inspiration of Russia's Bolshevik Revolution and of communist revolutions in China, Cuba and elsewhere.

Life and works

(Additional links are available in the detailed chronology on the timelines subpage)

Karl Heinrich Marx was born into a middle-class home in the Rhineland city of Trier, in Germany. He came, on both sides of his family, from a long line of Jewish rabbis, but his family converted to Lutheranism in 1824. Marx received a classical education and at the age of 17 he spent a year in the University of Bonn's law faculty. At age 18 he became engaged to Jenny von Westphalen (1814-1881), daughter of Baron von Westphalen, a prominent member of Trier society. In 1836 Marx transferred to the University of Berlin and came under the influence of the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel which then dominated the movement known as German Idealism. After completing his doctoral thesis (which dealt with the atomic theories of Democritus and Epicurus), he turned to journalism and began writing for the Rheinische Zeitung, an opposition daily backed by liberal Rhenish industrialists. He soon became its editor, but the paper was closed by the authorities in May 1843 and he moved to Paris. Married to Jenny von Westphalen, he recorded his departure from Hegel's thesis in his "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", in which he refers to religion as "the opium of the people". In Paris he developed what was to be a life-long association with Friedrich Engels, and set out his thoughts about communism in what are now known as "the Paris manuscripts". Expelled from France, he moved to Brussels and recorded his developing philosophical thoughts in his "Theses on Feuerbach". Expelled from France he moved to Brussels and recorded his developing philosophical views in his "Theses on Feuerbach". In 1846 Marx wrote The German Ideology with Engels, a text which lays the foundation for The Communist Manifesto. Returning to France on the news of the (unsuccessful) revolution of 1848, he began work on a series of pamphlets on "the class struggles in France" and in 1848, he and Friedrich Engels published the "Communist Manifesto". After moving to London in 1849 he devoted years of endeavour to his major work: "Das Kapital". Throughout the latter years of his life until his death in 1883, he was an active supporter of the Communist League, that was later to become the Communist International.

(CC) Photo: Jennifer Boyer
Grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery, London

Theoretical contributions

(Links to Marx's major works are available on the Works subpage)


Marx was influenced by the German ideology of the 18th century and early 19th centuries, and in particular by Ludwig Feuerbach's [1] humanist contention that man has invented God in his own image[2]. He accepted that man had invented God, but argued he had done so in order to deaden the pain of the poverty-stricken misery of life on earth[3]. He was not content with a philosophy that deals only in beliefs and ideals, arguing that it should seek a reasoned explanation of the physical interactions between man and his environment. He considered existing explanations to be inadequate, and his own search for an explanation led him to adapt the teachings of the classical economists and to develop the historicist teachings of the German ideologists. He became convinced that intolerable hardship is an inherent characteristic of capitalism and that it could be overcome only by its replacement by the version of communism that he and Friedrich Engels set out in the Communist Manifesto. He also became convinced that the historical development of capitalism would lead ultimately to its collapse, and that the state would then be replaced by an undefined form of social governance that he termed "the dictatorship of the proletariat". The hastening of that outcome became his main objective and he turned away from philosophy on the grounds that, as he put it, "philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.[4].


Karl Marx used the classical economics concepts of use value and exchange value to construct a labour theory of value in which the exchange value of a commodity is determined by the time required for its production[5]. His theory treats labour as a commodity whose exchange value (or cost to the capitalist employer) to be the value of the goods necessary for its supplier's subsistence, and takes the use value of of labour (to its employer) to be the value of what its supplier produces. The capitalist employer's profit is taken to be the excess of the use value of labour over its exchange value: an excess which is termed "surplus value". Using those propositions as axioms, Marx made extensive use of logical deduction to construct a comprehensive theory of the economics of capitalism, which he published as "Das Kapital"[6]. In it, unemployment is explained as the result of the introduction by employers of labour-saving machinery in response to an initial rise in the cost of labour, and it is argued that the resulting creation of a "reserve army of the unemployed" serves to stifle any continuing tendency for wages to rise. It attributes economic growth mainly to technical progress, and there is a systematic attempt to explain fluctuations in economic activity in terms of capitalism's need to maintain that growth. (It is argued that whenever technical progress slows down, the fall in growth leads to an accumulation of unwanted stocks of goods, producing a downturn in economic activity - until price-cutting, in order to get rid of surpluses, put the process into reverse.) It also predicts the ultimate demise of capitalism on the grounds that competition among capitalists will force them to accumulate more and more capital, and in so doing, to drive down the rate of profit.


As Marx (and Engels) saw it, "the history of all hitherto existing society is a history of class struggle[7]. Marx argued that social systems change with the conditions of production because those conditions determine the way that the ruling classes can exploit the ruled. Thus, for every period of economic development, there is a corresponding class system. "The handmill gives you a society with the feudal lord; the steam-mill gives you a society with the industrial capitalist [8]. Marx surmised that each system must have contained forces that led to its demise and replacement by a successor, and he was convinced that such was true of capitalism. He believed that, as a capitalist system approached maturity, power would become more and more concentrated and the sufferings of the proletariat more and more intense; and that the resulting social stresses would lead to revolution. He took it for granted that such a revolution would lead to the creation of a classless, "socialist" society:

"In history up to the present it is certainly an empirical fact that individuals have ... become more and more enslaved under a power alien to them ... But it is just as empirically established that, by the overthrow of the existing state of society by the communist revolution .... and the abolition of private property which is identical with it, this power ... will be dissolved; and that then the liberation of each single individual will be accomplished.".[9].


Because Marx was convinced that peoples' actions are governed by the social system, and not the other way round, he did not believe that the capitalist system could be changed by political action. The proletariat could not be freed from oppression by democratic action, but only by revolution:

"Between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat"[10].

He explained the apparent inconsistency between those statements and his own rôle as a political activist in a statement in Das Kapital:

"(Society) can neither clear by bold leaps, nor remove by legal enactments, the obstacles offered by the successive phases of its normal development. But it can shorten and lessen the birth-pangs"[11]

At no point did either Marx or Engels discuss the means by which people would contribute "each according to his ability" and receive "each according to his needs". Engels' much-quoted forecast of the "withering away" of the state was later qualified in correspondence:

"Marx and I, ever since 1845, have held the view that one of the final results of the future proletarian revolution will be the gradual dissolution and ultimate disappearance of that political organisation called the State; an organisation the main object of which has been to secure, by armed force, the economical subjection of the working majority to the wealthy minority. At the same time we have always held that in order to arrive at this and the other, far more important ends of the social revolution of the future, the proletarian class will first have to possess itself of the organised political force of the state and with this aid stamp out the resistance of the capitalist class and re-organise society"[12].

Nothing is available, however, concerning the characteristics of the reorganisation that they envisaged.


(links to the writings of supporters, reviewers and critics are available on the bibliography subpage)

Intellectual impact

Before the First World War, Marx's writings aroused few favourable responses outside Eastern Europe. Their enthusiastic promotion by Lenin was clearly a major influence upon the Russian revolutions, and their (partial) adoption as the official ideology of the Soviet Union was followed by a surge of post-war influence. In the 1920s, the Frankfurt Group of intellectuals [13] met to debate and disseminate Marxism, and they were later joined by the American philosopher Herbert Marcuse. According to the Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm[14], Marxism became a serious force among intellectuals of Western Europe and the English-speaking world in the 1930s and its intellectual influence reached a peak in the 1970s, but has since declined [15]. Marx's surviving intellectual legacy has - with minor exceptions - been confined to the discipline of philosophy. His contribution to historicism has been largely discredited as the result of the evident failure of its predictions, and his labour theory of value has not gained acceptance by academic economists. (The originality of some of his economic insights commands respect, however[16], and he is believed to be the first economist to make a study of the trade cycle[17].)

Political impact

Marx's political legacy has been immense. Hobsbawm has noted that Marxism became the official ideology of states in which, at their peak, something like a third of the human race lived[15]. His teachings have also influenced the emergence of socialist and social democratic movements that did not adopt Marxism as their ideology, or have since abandoned it. Their immediate impact was on the communist movement, which he and Friedrich Engels invigorated by welding together a disparate collection of local organisations, and providing them with a coherent rationale and an explicit set of objectives. His longer-term impact was increased by the interest taken in his writings by the politically active Lenin, who was 52 years his junior and by the endorsement of Marxism by Stalin[18] and Mao Zedong[19]. Some of his writings - and in particular the Communist Manifesto - are familiar to millions of political activists throughout the world, and they have also been a major factor in the adoption of forms of communism by the Soviet Union, and subsequently by the governments of North Korea, China, Nepal, Albania, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and others.

Footnotes and references