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'''Benjamin Peirce''' (April 4, 1809, [[Salem, Massachusetts]] &ndash; October 6, [[Cambridge, Massachusetts]],  1880) was the first internationally known American-born mathematician and is sometimes called "the father of American mathematics". He was the first to recognize the [[associative algebra|linear associative algebra]]<ref>B. Peirce ''Linear associative algebra'', written in 1870 published posthumously in American Journal of  Mathematics, vol '''4''', pp. 97-215 (1881). Toward  the end of his life, one hundred  copies of  the Linear Associative  Algebra
were lithographed,  at  the insistence  of his son Charles  Peirce, who thought  it  represented  
{{Image|Benjamin Peirce.jpeg|right|250px|Portrait of Benjamin Peirce (1857) by [[Daniel Huntington]]. }}
his father's  best work. </ref> as an important mathematical structure and to give several of its properties.
'''Benjamin Peirce''' (April 4, 1809, [[Salem, Massachusetts]] &ndash; October 6, 1880, [[Cambridge, Massachusetts]]) was the first renowned American-born mathematician and is sometimes called "the father of American mathematics". He was the first to recognize as an important mathematical structure  the [[associative algebra|linear associative algebra]].<ref>In 1870 B. Peirce's ''Linear associative algebra'' existed in handwritten form only. It was copied by a lady with fine handwriting on lithograph stone and about one hundred  copies were printed and distributed over the world. In 1881 the text was published posthumously in the American Journal of  Mathematics, [vol '''4''', pp. 97-215 (1881)] at  the insistence  of his son Charles  Peirce, who thought  it  represented his father's  best work. </ref> He derived several of its properties and gave "[[Peirce's reduction]]" for the elements.<ref>H. Weyl, ''The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics'', Dover (1950)</ref>

Peirce  was also a highly respected astronomer who helped determine the orbit of the newly discovered (1846) planet [[Neptune]] and calculated the perturbations produced between its own orbit and those of [[Uranus]] and other planets.
Peirce  was also a highly respected theoretical astronomer who performed some significant work on the orbit of the newly discovered (1846) planet [[Neptune]]
Benjamin Peirce is the father of [[Charles Sanders Peirce]], a well-known philosopher and mathematician.

Benjamin Peirce is the father of [[Charles Sanders Peirce]], a well-known philosopher and mathematician.
Benjamin  Peirce  graduated from [[Harvard]]  in 1829 and accepted a teaching position with [[George Bancroft]] at his Round Hill School in [[Northampton, Massachusetts]]. Two years later, at  the  age  of  twenty-two, Peirce was asked to join the faculty at Harvard as a tutor in mathematics. He stayed there  until  his  death  in  1880. In 1833 Peirce received his M.A. from Harvard and was promoted to professor of astronomy and mathematics.
In the same year Peirce married Sarah Hunt  Mills;  four sons were born to the couple.  The  eldest,  James Mills  Peirce,  was for forty-five years a  prominent  mathematician  at  Harvard;  Charles  Sanders Peirce,  was known  for  his  work  in  mathematics  and  physics, but also recognized for  his  discoveries  in  logic  and  philosophy;  Benjamin  Mills  Peirce,
brilliant  but  undisciplined,  died  in  early  manhood; and  Herbert  Henry  Davis  Peirce
was  a  Cambridge businessman.

When the [[American  Civil  War]] started, Peirce  was  at first  a  pro-slavery  [[Democratic Party|Democrat]] with many  good  friends  in the  South. After  the  fall of  [[Fort  Sumter]]  Peirce  became  a  strong  Union  supporter.
, at  the  age of  twenty-two,

'''(To be continued)'''
In the  same year that he received his M.A. (1833),  Peirce married Sarah Hunt  Mills;  four sons were born to the couple at intervals of five years.  The  eldest,  James Mills (1834–1906),  was for forty-five years a  prominent  mathematician  at  Harvard;  Charles  Sanders (1839–1914),  was known  for  his  work  in  mathematics  and  physics, but also recognized for  his  discoveries  in  logic  and  philosophy;  Benjamin  Mills (1844–1870) a mining engineer, brilliant  but  undisciplined,  died  in  early  manhood; and  Herbert  Henry  Davis  (1849–1916) was  a  Cambridge businessman and diplomat.

Peirce was also one of the 50 founders of the [[National Academy of Sciences]] (1863). He stimulated the forming of the Harvard Observatory by  lecturing  on  [[Encke's  Comet]]  in 1843 and was an organizer of the [[Dudley Observatory]], [[Albany, New York]].
<references />

Benjamin Peirce: Mathematician and Philosopher (Geleuter of zijn godsdienstige gevoelens, maar ook aardige anecdotes over zijn slechte onderwijs)
a US government agency that was renamed to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1878; it maintained  this name until 1970.
Author(s): Sven R. Peterson
Source: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan., 1955), pp. 89-112
Published by: University of Pennsylvania Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 09/01/2010 09:44

. In 1871  Peirce convinced Congress to mandate a transcontinental geodetic survey<ref>R. P. Crease, ''Charles Sanders Peirce and the First Absolute Measurement Standard'', ''Physics Today'', December 2009, pp. 39-44.</ref> along the 39th parallel (the transcontinental arc that passes approximately through Baltimore-Denver-San Francisco). In addition, he oversaw the first geodetic map of the US. 

Before the [[American  Civil  War]], Peirce  was  a  pro-slavery  [[Democratic Party|Democrat]] with many  good  friends  in  the  South.  When the war started in 1861 with  the taking  of  [[Fort  Sumter]] (near [[Charleston]] SC) by the [[Confederates]],  Peirce changed his mind and  became  a  strong  Union  supporter.  Peirce was a deeply  religious  man, he  clung to  the  fundamental doctrine  of a personal,  loving God,  to whom  he made frequent  reference  in even his most technical  books and papers.

==Peirce's science==
Benjamin Peirce's Linear Associative Algebra
Peirce is mainly remembered for his work on the linear associative algebra of 1870. But before that he did other important work. When he was not yet twenty he found an error in the proof of his countryman [[Nathaniel Bowditch]]'s translation of [[Pierre-Simon Laplace]]'s ''Traité de mécanique céleste'' [Treatise on Celestial Mechanics]. From then on he assisted regularly in the proof-reading of the translation.
Author(s): Helena M. Pycior
Source: Isis, Vol. 70, No. 4 (Dec., 1979), pp. 537-551
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
Stable URL:
Accessed: 09/01/2010 10:24

American scientist and mathematician Benjamin Peirce  (1809-1880) introduced  a major  contribution  to  the development  of  modern  abstract  algebra, his  Linear  Associative  Algebra  of  1870.  This  established  the foundation  for  a  general  theory  of  linear associative  algebra as well  as presenting multiplication  tables  for  over  150 new  algebras. Despite  some  general recognition  of its importance  and  of  Peirce's  unique  position  as the  "father of  American mathematics," Linear Associative  Algebra has to some extent remained a
Noticeable work (1832) was his solution to a mathematical problem published in the journal ''Mathematical Diary'', in which he proved that there is no odd [[perfect number]] (a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors, such as 6=1+2+3) with fewer than four distinct prime factors.
neglected work.  

Benjamin  Peirce, Linear Associative  Algebra  (Washington, D.C., 1870), in a note  "To my  friends"  found at the beginning of the 100  lithographed copies of this work circulated  in 1870 and later published in  the American Journal  of Mathematics  (1881, 4:97-215). (This edition, published after Benjamin Peirce's death, includes footnotes  written by Charles Sanders Peirce and omits the note mentioned above but is otherwise  the  same  as  the  original.)  
In his early years of teaching, Peirce wrote a series of elementary textbooks in the fields of trigonometry, sound, geometry, algebra, and mechanicsAll these texts were used in his own courses at [[Harvard University]] as soon as they came out, but only the trigonometry became widely popular. These textbooks, although considered terse and difficult, had a lasting influence on the teaching of mathematics in America.<ref> S. R. Peterson, ''Benjamin Peirce: Mathematician and Philosopher'', Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. '''16''', pp. 89-112 (1955)</ref>

His  son's  objections  aside, Benjamin  Peirce's  acceptance of divisors  of zero  and
In addition, Peirce wrote on a wide range of topics, mostly astronomical or physical. Some of the problems he discussed were: the motion of two adjacent pendulums, the motion of a top, the fluidity and tides of Saturn's rings, and Encke's comet.   
indeterminateness of division was a necessary precondition for his foundational work
on  the structure of linear  algebras.  In Linear Associative  Algebra  Peirce  offered
definitions of nilpotent and idempotent elements, and began development of a theory
of  linear associative algebra centering on these concepts. He defined a nilpotent as an
element a  such that a^n =  0 for some n > 2; an idempotent, as an element b such that
b^m  = b for some m >  2 .

Spottiswoode's account  is  complemented  by  remarks that  Cayley,  one  of  the  
Peirce's work on the orbits for [[Uranus]] and [[Neptune]] was triggered by the discovery of Neptune. In 1846 [[Le Verrier]] concluded from certain irregularities in the orbit of [[Uranus]] that there must exist another, yet unobserved, planet. He predicted its orbit and positionHis prediction was quickly verified by the observation of a new planet that was baptized [[Neptune]].  Peirce, however, pointed out that two solutions of the problem were possible and that Neptune would not have been discovered at all, except that by chance both possible locations lay at that particular time in the same direction from the earthLater, however, it was found that both men were wrong: Le Verrier because he had simply made an error in his calculations which resulted in a wrong orbit; Peirce because he accepted this wrong orbit as mathematically valid, and from it derived a second solution. Le Verrier had indicated the correct direction in which to look, but had predicted the wrong distanceNevertheless, the net result of the controversy was that Peirce gained international recognition as a mathematician and astronomer.
century's  finest abstract algebraists, included in an address  to the British Association
for the Advancement  of  Science  in 1883.56  Spending  scant  time  on  the details  of  
Linear Associative  AlgebraCayley  emphasized  instead  its significance  and then
pondered its relation to  traditional mathematicsIndicating sympathy with Peirce's
approach, he described the work as a "valuable memoir"  and Peirce's  linear algebras
as the "analytical basis, and the true basis"  of the complex numbers,  the quaternions,
and other such algebras. He also demonstrated that he had penetrated Peirce's work
sufficiently enough  to  appreciate the beauty and simplicity of  its results. "It is very
remarkable," he enthused, "how frequently in these simplified forms [linear associative algebras] we have nilpotent or idempotent symbols ..and symbols i, j, such that  
i  =  ji  =  0; and consequently how simple are the forms of  the multiplication  tables
which define the several systems respectively." Even Cayley, however, felt it necessary to underscore  the novelty of Peirce's  results by classifying his algebra, along with
all  the algebras of which  it was the  basis, as "outside of  ordinary mathematics."58

Because  of Linear Associative  Algebra,  therefore, Benjamin Peirce de-
Peirce's 1855 advanced treatise ''[[A System of Analytical Mechanics]]'' was considered one of the most important mathematical books produced in the United States up to that date and was praised as being the best book on the subject at the time.
serves recognition, not only as a founding  father of American mathematics, but also
as a  founding  father of modern abstract algebra.

In  addition  to  his  teaching,  Peirce  was  consulting
{{Image|Peirce symbols.JPG|right|475px|<small>Paragraph from Peirce's posthumously published (1882) book. Note the symbols for &pi; (<nowiki>=</nowiki>3.14&hellip;) and e (<nowiki>=</nowiki>2.71&hellip;). Further ''J''<sup>&nbsp;&minus;''J''</sup><nowiki>=</nowiki> &radic;e <sup>&pi;</sup></small> (<nowiki>=</nowiki>4.81&hellip;)}}
astronomer  to  the American  Ephemeris  and  Nautical  Almanac  (1849-1867), and
In 1870, he introduced a major contribution to the development of modern abstract algebra, his ''[[Linear Associative Algebra]]''.<ref>Helena M. Pycior, "Benjamin Peirce's ''Linear Associative Algebra''," Isis 70 (1979): 537-551.</ref> He established the foundation for a general theory, classified all complex associative algebras of dimension less than seven, and presented multiplication tables for over 150 new algebras. This work originated in Peirce's interest in [[William Rowan Hamilton]]'s 1843 theory of [[quaternions]].  The quaternions are a generalization of [[complex number]]s. They can be added and multiplied and thus form a structure that is now called an associative algebra. Peirce recognized their essential properties and generalized it to an abstract concept. He found that algebra elements may have peculiar properties that ordinary numbers do not possess. For instance, it is possible that ''a•b'' = 0, while both algebra elements ''a'' and ''b'' are not equal to zero ([[null divisor]]s). He introduced [[nilpotent]] elements that have the property that ''a''<sup>''n''</sup> = 0 for some natural number ''n''. Most of these properties are now very well-known for matrices, which is not surprising since the set of ''n''&times;''n'' matrices is but an example of a linear associative algebra. One of the great algebraist of the time, [[Arthur Cayley]], emphasized the significance of Peirce's approach and described it as the "analytical basis, and the true basis" of the complex numbers, the quaternions, and other algebras.
Superintendent  of the  United  States  Coast  Survey  (1867-1874),  where  he  dis-  
played  considerable  administrative  skill.  He served  as  librarian  of the  College
libraryhelped  form  the  Harvard  Observatory  by  lecturing  on  Encke's Comet  in  
1843, and was  charter member of the  famous  Saturday  Club, which  included
Agassiz, Emerson, Holmes, Henry  James, Sr., and many  other notable  figures.  

He helped establish the Harvard Observatory and was an organizer of the Dudley Observatory, Albany, N.Y. In the field of mechanics he made studies of the forms of elastic sacs containing fluids. From 1867 to 1874 he was superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey. He was the father of Charles Sanders Peirce. His fundamental contributions to mathematics were collected as Linear Associative Algebra (1870). He also wrote A System of Analytic Mechanics (1855).
{{reflist}}[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]
Much of his reputation was based on two of his early works. The first was his solution to a mathematical problem proposed in the journal Mathematical Diary, in which he proved that there is no odd perfect number (a number that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors) with fewer than four distinct prime factors; the second was his commentary and revision of his countryman Nathaniel Bowditch's translation of the first four volumes of the Frenchman Pierre-Simon Laplace's Traité de mécanique céleste (1798–1827; “Treatise on Celestial Mechanics”).
During the next decade he wrote a series of textbooks and monographs dealing with trigonometry, algebra, geometry, astronomy, and navigation,as well as An Elementary Treatise on Sound (1836), based on the work of physicist Sir William Herschel. Peirce was instrumentalin establishing the Harvard Observatory, and in 1842 he became Harvard's Perkins Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, a position he held until his death. Peirce, who was an influential proponent of Sir William Hamilton's ideas, did more than anyone else to develop interest in quaternions (Hamilton's generalization of complex numbers to three dimensions) in the United States.
Considered the leading American mathematician of his day, Peirce was named to a five-man committee by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1847 to plan and organize what was to be the Smithsonian Institution. From 1849 to 1867 Peirce served as consulting astronomer to the newly created American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, and in 1852 he began a long association with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Starting as director of longitude determinations, he eventually became superintendent of the survey (1867–74) and oversaw the production of the first geodetic map of the country independent of local surveys. Peirce also served, in 1863, as one of the 50 incorporators of the National Academy of Sciences. His book A System of Analytical Mechanics (1855) is considered one of the most important mathematical books produced in the United States up to that date. , which is a study of possible systems of multiple algebras, stemmed from his interest in quaternions.

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Harvard Portrait Collection 
Portrait of Benjamin Peirce (1857) by Daniel Huntington.

Benjamin Peirce (April 4, 1809, Salem, Massachusetts – October 6, 1880, Cambridge, Massachusetts) was the first renowned American-born mathematician and is sometimes called "the father of American mathematics". He was the first to recognize as an important mathematical structure the linear associative algebra.[1] He derived several of its properties and gave "Peirce's reduction" for the elements.[2]

Peirce was also a highly respected theoretical astronomer who performed some significant work on the orbit of the newly discovered (1846) planet Neptune.

Benjamin Peirce is the father of Charles Sanders Peirce, a well-known philosopher and mathematician.


, at the age of twenty-two,

In the same year that he received his M.A. (1833), Peirce married Sarah Hunt Mills; four sons were born to the couple at intervals of five years. The eldest, James Mills (1834–1906), was for forty-five years a prominent mathematician at Harvard; Charles Sanders (1839–1914), was known for his work in mathematics and physics, but also recognized for his discoveries in logic and philosophy; Benjamin Mills (1844–1870) a mining engineer, brilliant but undisciplined, died in early manhood; and Herbert Henry Davis (1849–1916) was a Cambridge businessman and diplomat.

Peirce was also one of the 50 founders of the National Academy of Sciences (1863). He stimulated the forming of the Harvard Observatory by lecturing on Encke's Comet in 1843 and was an organizer of the Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York.

a US government agency that was renamed to U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1878; it maintained this name until 1970.

. In 1871 Peirce convinced Congress to mandate a transcontinental geodetic survey[3] along the 39th parallel (the transcontinental arc that passes approximately through Baltimore-Denver-San Francisco). In addition, he oversaw the first geodetic map of the US.

Before the American Civil War, Peirce was a pro-slavery Democrat with many good friends in the South. When the war started in 1861 with the taking of Fort Sumter (near Charleston SC) by the Confederates, Peirce changed his mind and became a strong Union supporter. Peirce was a deeply religious man, he clung to the fundamental doctrine of a personal, loving God, to whom he made frequent reference in even his most technical books and papers.

Peirce's science

Peirce is mainly remembered for his work on the linear associative algebra of 1870. But before that he did other important work. When he was not yet twenty he found an error in the proof of his countryman Nathaniel Bowditch's translation of Pierre-Simon Laplace's Traité de mécanique céleste [Treatise on Celestial Mechanics]. From then on he assisted regularly in the proof-reading of the translation.

Noticeable work (1832) was his solution to a mathematical problem published in the journal Mathematical Diary, in which he proved that there is no odd perfect number (a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors, such as 6=1+2+3) with fewer than four distinct prime factors.

In his early years of teaching, Peirce wrote a series of elementary textbooks in the fields of trigonometry, sound, geometry, algebra, and mechanics. All these texts were used in his own courses at Harvard University as soon as they came out, but only the trigonometry became widely popular. These textbooks, although considered terse and difficult, had a lasting influence on the teaching of mathematics in America.[4]

In addition, Peirce wrote on a wide range of topics, mostly astronomical or physical. Some of the problems he discussed were: the motion of two adjacent pendulums, the motion of a top, the fluidity and tides of Saturn's rings, and Encke's comet.

Peirce's work on the orbits for Uranus and Neptune was triggered by the discovery of Neptune. In 1846 Le Verrier concluded from certain irregularities in the orbit of Uranus that there must exist another, yet unobserved, planet. He predicted its orbit and position. His prediction was quickly verified by the observation of a new planet that was baptized Neptune. Peirce, however, pointed out that two solutions of the problem were possible and that Neptune would not have been discovered at all, except that by chance both possible locations lay at that particular time in the same direction from the earth. Later, however, it was found that both men were wrong: Le Verrier because he had simply made an error in his calculations which resulted in a wrong orbit; Peirce because he accepted this wrong orbit as mathematically valid, and from it derived a second solution. Le Verrier had indicated the correct direction in which to look, but had predicted the wrong distance. Nevertheless, the net result of the controversy was that Peirce gained international recognition as a mathematician and astronomer.

Peirce's 1855 advanced treatise A System of Analytical Mechanics was considered one of the most important mathematical books produced in the United States up to that date and was praised as being the best book on the subject at the time.

PD Image
Paragraph from Peirce's posthumously published (1882) book. Note the symbols for π (=3.14…) and e (=2.71…). Further J −J= √e π (=4.81…)

In 1870, he introduced a major contribution to the development of modern abstract algebra, his Linear Associative Algebra.[5] He established the foundation for a general theory, classified all complex associative algebras of dimension less than seven, and presented multiplication tables for over 150 new algebras. This work originated in Peirce's interest in William Rowan Hamilton's 1843 theory of quaternions. The quaternions are a generalization of complex numbers. They can be added and multiplied and thus form a structure that is now called an associative algebra. Peirce recognized their essential properties and generalized it to an abstract concept. He found that algebra elements may have peculiar properties that ordinary numbers do not possess. For instance, it is possible that a•b = 0, while both algebra elements a and b are not equal to zero (null divisors). He introduced nilpotent elements that have the property that an = 0 for some natural number n. Most of these properties are now very well-known for matrices, which is not surprising since the set of n×n matrices is but an example of a linear associative algebra. One of the great algebraist of the time, Arthur Cayley, emphasized the significance of Peirce's approach and described it as the "analytical basis, and the true basis" of the complex numbers, the quaternions, and other algebras.


  1. In 1870 B. Peirce's Linear associative algebra existed in handwritten form only. It was copied by a lady with fine handwriting on lithograph stone and about one hundred copies were printed and distributed over the world. In 1881 the text was published posthumously in the American Journal of Mathematics, [vol 4, pp. 97-215 (1881)] at the insistence of his son Charles Peirce, who thought it represented his father's best work.
  2. H. Weyl, The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, Dover (1950)
  3. R. P. Crease, Charles Sanders Peirce and the First Absolute Measurement Standard, Physics Today, December 2009, pp. 39-44.
  4. S. R. Peterson, Benjamin Peirce: Mathematician and Philosopher, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 16, pp. 89-112 (1955)
  5. Helena M. Pycior, "Benjamin Peirce's Linear Associative Algebra," Isis 70 (1979): 537-551.