Talk:Julie Patzwald: Difference between revisions

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== provenance ==
== provenance ==

Latest revision as of 21:36, 21 December 2023

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 Definition Promising young Canadian actor who committed suicide at age 32, due to chronic pain [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Arts [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant Canadian English


Ms Patzwald is one of about 600 figures from the Canadian film and television industry for whom I cropped a head shot, from a group photo, of an industry event. First I crop them. Then I research them, so I can put the photo in the right categories, on the wikimedia commons - and at the photo to any articles about them. Most of the time, if there is an article, it is on the english language wikipedia. But in Ms Patzwald's case, the one article about her was on the Russian language wikipedia.

I relied largely on the text of the Russian language article on Ms Patzwald for this article. So, attribution should be to the Russian language wikipedia. However {{WPAttribution}} doesn't seem to take any arguments.

Cheers! George Swan (talk) 22:11, 29 August 2022 (CDT)