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"[[New Age]]") is a term that was coined to describe the modern trend of new religions which have a strong belief in the [[supernatural]].  Some religions strongly reject the label as it has been used derisively by scholars of other faiths, while some religions accept the label proudly.  These religions are very diverse.
"[[New Age]]") is a term that was coined to describe the modern trend of new religions which have a strong belief in the [[supernatural]].  Some religions strongly reject the label as it has been used derisively by scholars of other faiths, while some religions accept the label proudly.  These religions are very diverse.
==Approaches to the study of religion==

== See Also ==
== See Also ==

Revision as of 05:00, 10 February 2007

A religion is an apparently-universal human social phenomenon involving beliefs, values, practices, and group identity. Scholars typically characterize religion as concerned with the supernatural; the sacred; or with subjects of ultimate concern (such as birth and death).

Some religions are implicit, and consist of inherited ancestral traditions (a "way of life"). Others are organized, and promote themselves in conscious contrast to alternatives within the wider society. We may also distinguish between personal religious beliefs and experiences, and those which may be socially prescribed.

In the case of religions which are divided into sects or denominations, the word "religion" is generally reserved for the most fundamental level of spiritual identity. For example, Methodists generally do not describe Methodism as a "religion" in its own right, but as a denomination within the religion of Christianity. Sikhs, however, insist that they are a "religion," and not, for example, merely a sect of Hinduism (despite their many similarities).

The word "religion"

Debate over meaning and scope

Elements which are often associated with "religion" include:

  • a distinctive worldview or belief-system
  • group identity
  • social institutions
  • rituals
  • rules or behavioral expectations
  • a focus on the supernatural

However, there is no agreement as to which of these criteria ought to be the deciding ones in case of borderline cases. For example, textbooks on religion often include Confucianism, but its adherents often disagree, pointing to Confucius' reluctance to discuss the supernatural. Freemasonry claims not to be a religion (since members of any religion may join); however others consider its tradition of texts, rituals, ethics, and group solidarity to qualify it as religious. And for all its anti-religious rhetoric, Soviet Communism boasted "sacred" texts, condemned "heretics", revered founders, conducted rituals, and promoted an elaborate eschatological prophecy in the form of the future workers' utopia.

Finally, many traditional societies make no clear distinction between "religious" and "nonreligious" aspects of daily life. How are we to decide, for example, whether a particular people's understanding of their place in the cosmos qualifies as a belief to which they adhere (in this connection we might consider scientific worldviews prevailing in industrialized societies); or whether a custom or practice is best described under the heading of religious rules, or etiquette?

Classification of Religions

Classifying religions into groups or types is a difficult task, as theologians differ on where the differences lie. For example, while "Christianity" describes a set of common beliefs in God, Jesus, and the afterlife, there are vast differences in the various churches of Christianity.

As an example, the Baptist faith, the Catholic Church, Mormonism, and the Jehovah's Witnesses all base their faith on the Bible, but take different views on such things as organization, the necessity of proselytization, the rituals that have to be observed to be a devout Christian, the will of God, and the nature of evil.

However, there are some common divisions that many scholars agree to:

"Dharmic religions". Includes the several Indic religions which conceive of their teachings in terms of dharma (a word variously meaning "religion" or "duty"): Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

"Abrahamic religions". This category includes the three religions which recognize Abraham as a part of their sacred histories: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Baha'i religion also fits this description, but is often overlooked on account of its small size.

"Monotheistic religions". Religious which affirm belief on one God include Zoroastrianism and the Abrahamic religions (listed above). Some strains of Hindu or ancient Egyptian religion arguably qualify. The concept becomes somewhat murky in view of the many theologies in which God or his equivalent boasts a heavenly retinue, or changes form.

"Tribal religions." Include a wide variety of small-scale religions found in pre-modern societies. "Shamanism" describes one common religious-specialist role within many such societies (but neither exhausts the categeory, nor is limited to it).

"New Religious Movements."

Major religions of the world

Over 100 million followers

Christianity recognizes as its founder Jesus Christ, who is generally held to be God incarnate. Its holy scriptures are compiled into the Christian Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments. With as many as two billion followers, Christianity is probably the largest religion in the world. Major divisions include the "Oriental" churches (centered around Egypt, Ethiopia, Armenia, and Syria), Eastern Orthodoxy (Greece / Byzantium and Russia), Roman Catholicism (various West European countries and their former colonies), and Protestantism (North Europe and the Anglophone world).

Islam is based on the teachings of the Qur'an, as revealed to/by the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad is regarded as the final prophet in a series which also includes Adam, Abraham (said to have been the first Muslim), Moses, David, and Jesus. The religions major division--between Sunni and Shi'a--stems from a disagreement over who should have been Muhammad's successor. Major Muslim culture-areas include the Arabic, Persian, Turkish, sub-Saharan African, Indian sub-continental, Chinese, and Malay-Indonesian regions.

Hinduism encompasses a variety of Indian deity-cults (the most popular being those of Vishnu and Shiva) united through their shared veneration of the Vedas and other sacred texts. More than a set of creedal doctrines, Hinduism is perhaps most easily visible as complex sets of duties and relationships.

Chinese religion is a complex of folk traditions, professional religious services operating under the names of "Buddhism" and "Taoism," a "Confucian" social ethic, and various sectarian movements which partake of this ethos. As the name suggests, Chinese religion is largely confined to ethnic (Han) Chinese, whether in China proper or overseas.

Buddhism was historically founded by Siddhartha Gautama, but recognizes Buddhas who predate him as a part of its sacred history. A commonly-expressed goal within the religion is enlightenment, or escape from the cycle of reincarnation. Culturally, Buddhism naturally divides into (1) Southern, (2) Tibetan / Mongolian / Himalayan, and (3) East Asian varieties. Theologically, Buddhism may be divided into Theravada and Mahayana branches, with "Vajrayana" or "Tantric" Buddhism being a special subcategory of Mahayana.

Over 10 million followers



Judaism is the religion associated with the Hebrew Bible, including the "written and oral Torahs"; and with the "people of Israel" represented today by ethnic Jews. Its sacred history recognizes Abraham as its greatest ancestors; Moses as its greatest prophet and lawgiver; and David as its greatest king. From its sacred homeland of Israel, Judaism has been indelibly shaped by its history of exile, and experience of anti-Semitism. For most Jews, perhaps, Judaism is primarily an ethnic identity, for which religion serves as a marker.

Over one million followers




Baha'i religion




Less than one million followers



Neopaganism includes a variety of revivals of

"New Age") is a term that was coined to describe the modern trend of new religions which have a strong belief in the supernatural. Some religions strongly reject the label as it has been used derisively by scholars of other faiths, while some religions accept the label proudly. These religions are very diverse.

Approaches to the study of religion

See Also