Talk:Covert action

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 Definition Any of a range of activities, intended to affect the behavior of a target nation or non-national actor, where the fact of the action is known, but the responsibility for the action cannot be proven. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories military and politics [Please add or review categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Globalisation welcome

At present, due to the availability of sources, this is principally a U.S. set of definitions, although they are also generally accepted in NATO. I'd welcome input from other national doctrines, and will be working on adding some myself.

I think it would be better to keep a set of functional headings, with country-specific detail, as much as is practical. In some cases, one country may consider some thing part of covert operation that another that does not. Deception is one such area, which will eventually call for its own article.

The Soviet/Russian concept of masirikova is much broader than the U.S. concept of deception. There is a great deal of literature about it, but I have to rely on translations.

Nations with a Party vs. Military structure also may have a significantly different conceptual structure.Howard C. Berkowitz 11:16, 17 May 2008 (CDT)