Hyderabad, India

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(CC) Photo: Anupriyo Chakravarti
an image from the streets of Hyderabad, India

Hyderabad is the capital of the state of Telangana, India. It is the fifth largest city in the country.

Hyderabad, the vibrant capital of Telangana, is a city that seamlessly blends its historic charm with modern dynamism. Known as the "City of Pearls," Hyderabad has a rich history as a global hub for trade in pearls and diamonds. It was once ruled by the illustrious Nizams, whose legacy is evident in the city's majestic palaces and exquisite cuisine.

One of the city's most captivating attractions is the picturesque Necklace Road, a scenic promenade along the Hussain Sagar Lake that sparkles like a jewel, offering a perfect spot for leisure and recreation. Adding to Hyderabad’s charm is its proximity to Secunderabad, a city so closely intertwined that together, they are fondly called the Twin Cities. Their shared culture, bustling streets, and thriving industries make this region a unique confluence of history and modernity.

From its historic landmarks like Charminar and Golconda Fort to its bustling IT hubs and mouth-watering biryani, Hyderabad truly offers a rich tapestry of experiences for every visitor.