Erlang (programming language)/Tutorials/Simplify

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Simply Numerics
(auto-demotion of numerical types)
Lets simplify some numerical values recursively. Humans like to read numbers in simplest form. Rather than
0 + 1i
humans prefer
Rather than
the integer
looks nicer. In a matrix, we prefer the integers when possible, so we construct the following function: simplify, which is overloaded for many types of arguments, integer, float, imaginary, complex and matrix. We wish to remove extra zeros when possible, because they can be a distraction, and do not add any thing to calculations. This is an example of auto-demotion of numerical types. Many programming languages have auto-promotion of numerical types but almost never have auto-demotion.
-module(simple). -compile(export_all). % Simplifies numbers by removing zeros start() -> Inputs = [ 3.3, 3.0, {4,0,i}, {3.0,i}, {0,3,i}, {0,3.3,i}, [ [1.0,2.0], [3.0,4.0] ], [ [{0,1,i},{3.0,i}], [4,5.0] ], [ [1, 2, 3], [5.0, 4, 3] ] ], Outputs = lists:map(fun simple:simplify/1, Inputs), Arrows = lists:duplicate(length(Outputs)," -> "), Inputs_and_Outputs = zipit(Inputs,Arrows,Outputs), Inputs_and_Outputs. simplify(A) when trunc(A) == A -> % 1.0 -> 1 trunc(A); % make float integer simplify({B,i}) -> % 1.0 i -> 1 i {simplify(B),i}; % simplify imaginary simplify({A,0,i}) -> % 2.2 + 0 i -> 2.2 simplify(A); % make complex real simplify({0,B,i}) -> % 0 + B i -> B i {simplify(B),i}; % make complex imaginary simplify({A,B,i}) -> % 1.0 + 2.0 i -> 1 + 2 i {simplify(A),simplify(B),i}; % simplify complex simplify([[A,B],[C,D]]) -> % [[ A.0, B.0 ] -> [[A,B] [ [simplify(A), simplify(B)], % [ C.0, D.0 ]] [C,D]] [simplify(C), simplify(D)] ]; % simplify 2x2 matrix simplify([]) -> []; % [A.0, B.0, C.0 ...] -> [A,B,C...] simplify([H|T]) -> % simplify vectors and matrixes [simplify(H)] ++ simplify(T); % of any size simplify(A) -> A. zipit([],[],[]) -> []; % [1,2,3],[a,b,c],[do,re,me] -> zipit([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[H3|T3]) -> % [{1,a,do},{2,b,re},{3,b,me}] [{H1,H2,H3}] ++ zipit(T1,T2,T3). % tripple zip
Simplified numbers
1> c(simple). % compile {ok,simple} 2> simple:start(). % run [{3.30000," -> ",3.30000}, {3.00000," -> ",3}, {{4,0,i}," -> ",4}, {{3.00000,i}," -> ",{3,i}}, {{0,3,i}," -> ",{3,i}}, {{0,3.30000,i}," -> ",{3.30000,i}}, {[[1.00000,2.00000],[3.00000,4.00000]], " -> ", [[1,2],[3,4]]}, {[[{0,1,i},{3.00000,i}],[4,5.00000]], " -> ", [[{1,i},{3,i}],[4,5]]}, {[[1,2,3],[5.00000,4,3]]," -> ",[[1,2,3],[5,4,3]]}]